Hi There,

I have the age old problem where I have a workbook full of macros and Active X controls which used to work and now is not working properly.

There are hundreds of people who access a template from a shared link on our Corporate network. Now, when they access it, it does not request 'enable macros', but if they access it on their local desktop, it asks them to enable macros.

I am on the corporate network, and can access all the macros, but it doesn't prompt me to enable macros.

I made some changes to the protection of the document mainly the following:

ActiveSheet.Protect UserInterfaceOnly:=True, Password:="123"
up until last Thursday, everyone could access it without issue. now, no matter what I try, it does not ask to enable macros and no one can access the functionality.

any help you could provide would be gratefully received.

Unfortunately, I cannot share the template due to sensitivity.

Many thanks in advance.