As noted, I assume I'll need a macro, but I have no clue about them, so I'd be VERY grateful for any answer.

Anyways. I have a named range, running from B3 through to BG91. In this space, I need to find some way to add 1 into specific cells.
There are labels running the length and depth, and I know how to specify one particular cell, using two lists, one for each. This allows me
to specify one particular "X/Y" co-ordinate. However, getting excel to return a specific cell, and its content, isn't really the point.
I need to be able to write to that specific cell. All I need is for it to add +1 to the result already there, but I can't find a way to.

Now, sure, I could just go in, find that cell, and add to it. But by the 50th time, that gets tedious, even without the hassle of making sure you're
in the right place.

The reason for this is that I, later, am aiming to make a bunch of dynamic charts, which would then change depending on the value given over both the entire range, and sub-sets of it.

So, anyone that can help me find a way to add +1 where I specify, without me having to go hunt the place down each time?
I am using Excel 2007, I should specify.