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Add to existing macro, to bring in 3 other components to buyers page from main page.

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    Exclamation Add to existing macro, to bring in 3 other components to buyers page from main page.

    I paid for someone to create a workbook for me, after some exhaustion I have given up on them helping me fix it. I believe what I need will be a simple fix I just don't know how to work in macros and wondering if there is anyone who could help me seperate out where they are pulling the total price, I need it broke down into the 3 components that make up this total price per item. Much like you would see on a sales receipt. On the buyers report page, I need to not only have the Total Price, but it needs to have the break down of purchase price, tax, buyers premium. I would also like to be able to have it have another column that would link back to method of payment and if credit card, 5% is added to the purchase price. I do not believe that the total price would actually be needed to be brought from the first page but rather a running total for that buyer. I just don't know how to make it happen and if I can't the whole worksheet is worthless to me and I will be out money I shouldn't have spent

    So in essence. On the Buyer report, the total price, is brought from the main sales page. But I need this broke down into purchase price, tax and buyers premium. Would like an additional column that would check to see what the payment method is and would charge an additional % (would like to be able to change this easily as it may change based on the auctioin) to the purchase price only. this will allow me to print this at time of sale so the buyer knows exactly what they have paid for. To speed up the check out process, I would love it if there is a total price, but this would be a running total that would be all charges, tax, price, buyers premium, and surcharge. So say the buyer buys 5 items, each item is listed, with the purchase price, the buyers preimum, the tax, a surcharge only if they use credit card and then a total that would add each time a new item is brought into the sheet.

    Thank you
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    Last edited by detrw4always; 05-19-2016 at 08:41 AM.

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