Hello all,

I seem to have hit a roadblock with my progress so I plea to the experts for help. I have a list where ticks happen and the time they happened is recorded. I am working on some code to count the number of ticks per hour. So:

tick 0500
tick 0502
tick 0612

The macro would output to another worksheet:

0500-0559 2
0600-0659 1
0700-0759 0 and so on for the entire 24 hours

maybe my idea is not the best but I am wanting to use a loop and the autofilter to display 0500 to 0559 times, count the rows, next... 0600 to 0659, count, next, 0700 to 0759, etc.

However, when I try criteria1:="5:**" I get zero results. I have tried several different ways utilizing the "*" wildcard to no avail. I also tried criteria1:=">=5" which alone displays everything above 0500. When I toss in a criteria2:="<6" I get zero results. If I manually go to autofilter and type 5* or 5:** it filters perfectly. Macro recorder ends up having every result in a criteria1 array which is no help. I tried doing a criteria1: "4" & array(":01", ":02", etc) which gave me error 13 type mismatch. How can I get the vba to do this.