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(Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet.

  1. #1
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    (Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet.

    Hi all. Beginner working with VBA, and pulling out my teeth. I need to compile some code that accomplishes a number of things:

    - Asks the user for a number, with Do loops that keep prompting until correct data is entered (must be numerical, must not be nothing, must be non-negative)
    - Use a For loop that goes from 1 to this number
    - Then asks for codes (listed in a reference sheet), must loop until a code listed in the sheet is entered, that corresponds to the number
    - Finally, must display total cost attached to sum of the codes

    I also need to use a variant variable for each input prior to error testing, and once error testing is done, I must assign it to the correct variable type.

    This is as far as I've gotten:

    Public Sub ProductsPurchased()
    productCount = InputBox("Please enter the number of different products purchased.")
    If IsNumeric(productCount) = False Then
    MsgBox "You have not entered a numerical value. Please try again."
    IsNumeric (productCount) < 0
    MsgBox "You have entered a number less than or equal to zero. Please try again."
    End If
    Loop Until IsNumeric(productCount) And productCount > 0
    End Sub

    I am almost entirely lost. Please, help.

  2. #2
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    Re: (Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet

    Not sure what you're needing?

    It does look like you need an elseIf though:

    "If" input is not a number, "Then" do this...

    "ElseIf" input is a number less than zero, "Then" do this


    Do this


  3. #3
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    Re: (Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet

    Quote Originally Posted by inq80 View Post
    Not sure what you're needing?

    It does look like you need an elseIf though:

    "If" input is not a number, "Then" do this...

    "ElseIf" input is a number less than zero, "Then" do this


    Do this


    Thank you for responding. I tried Else Loop Until IsNumeric(productCount) AND productCount >0, but then even if the number is greater than zero, it still shows me the "less than 0" message box.

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    Re: (Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet

    Can you attach a sample sheet?

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    Re: (Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet

    Quote Originally Posted by inq80 View Post
    Can you attach a sample sheet?
    Not sure what you mean. Attach the file I'm working in?

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    Re: (Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet

    yeah - attach the worksheet so everyone can see what you're working with.

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    Re: (Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet

    Quote Originally Posted by inq80 View Post
    yeah - attach the worksheet so everyone can see what you're working with.
    Sorry I didn't see this earlier. I can't. All I get is a thin white bar when I try to attach a document directly. Best I can do is Dropbox.


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    Re: (Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet

    I think you're setting yourself up for problems using an input box. Dependent on where you are going with this, try this:

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    Re: (Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet

    Quote Originally Posted by inq80 View Post
    I think you're setting yourself up for problems using an input box. Dependent on where you are going with this, try this:
    Thank you so much. You gave me an idea, I tried it, and it worked!

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    I set the variables, selected the ranges, ran the Do loops inside a For loop where myNum is equal to an index from 1 to that number, set the message boxes to provide the user with feedback, and got the totals on the other end. You've been a huge help.

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    Re: (Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet

    You're Welcome: don't forget to make the thread as resolved if you've got an answer - and considering adding to the reputation of whoever helped you.

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    Re: (Beginner help) For loop inside do loop that displays information from reference sheet

    Quote Originally Posted by inq80 View Post
    You're Welcome: don't forget to make the thread as resolved if you've got an answer - and considering adding to the reputation of whoever helped you.
    Thank you. Already threw you some rep. Will mark as resolved now.

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