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Comparing Similiar DataSets and Calling a Function From a Loop Within a Loop

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    Comparing Similiar DataSets and Calling a Function From a Loop Within a Loop

    Hello Community

    I posted a similar message which I am grateful that many of you helped out

    I was wondering if someone could help me one step further.

    I found the following code:-


    Public Function Similarity(ByVal String1 As String, _
    ByVal String2 As String, _
    Optional ByRef RetMatch As String, _
    Optional min_match = 1) As Single
    Dim b1() As Byte, b2() As Byte
    Dim lngLen1 As Long, lngLen2 As Long
    Dim lngResult As Long

    If UCase(String1) = UCase(String2) Then
    Similarity = 1
    lngLen1 = Len(String1)
    lngLen2 = Len(String2)
    If (lngLen1 = 0) Or (lngLen2 = 0) Then
    Similarity = 0
    b1() = StrConv(UCase(String1), vbFromUnicode)
    b2() = StrConv(UCase(String2), vbFromUnicode)
    lngResult = Similarity_sub(0, lngLen1 - 1, _
    0, lngLen2 - 1, _
    b1, b2, _
    String1, _
    RetMatch, _
    Erase b1
    Erase b2
    If lngLen1 >= lngLen2 Then
    Similarity = lngResult / lngLen1
    Similarity = lngResult / lngLen2
    End If
    End If
    End If

    End Function

    Private Function Similarity_sub(ByVal start1 As Long, ByVal end1 As Long, _
    ByVal start2 As Long, ByVal end2 As Long, _
    ByRef b1() As Byte, ByRef b2() As Byte, _
    ByVal FirstString As String, _
    ByRef RetMatch As String, _
    ByVal min_match As Long, _
    Optional recur_level As Integer = 0) As Long
    '* CALLED BY: Similarity *(RECURSIVE)

    Dim lngCurr1 As Long, lngCurr2 As Long
    Dim lngMatchAt1 As Long, lngMatchAt2 As Long
    Dim I As Long
    Dim lngLongestMatch As Long, lngLocalLongestMatch As Long
    Dim strRetMatch1 As String, strRetMatch2 As String

    If (start1 > end1) Or (start1 < 0) Or (end1 - start1 + 1 < min_match) _
    Or (start2 > end2) Or (start2 < 0) Or (end2 - start2 + 1 < min_match) Then
    Exit Function '(exit if start/end is out of string, or length is too short)
    End If

    For lngCurr1 = start1 To end1
    For lngCurr2 = start2 To end2
    I = 0
    Do Until b1(lngCurr1 + I) <> b2(lngCurr2 + I)
    I = I + 1
    If I > lngLongestMatch Then
    lngMatchAt1 = lngCurr1
    lngMatchAt2 = lngCurr2
    lngLongestMatch = I
    End If
    If (lngCurr1 + I) > end1 Or (lngCurr2 + I) > end2 Then Exit Do
    Next lngCurr2
    Next lngCurr1

    If lngLongestMatch < min_match Then Exit Function

    lngLocalLongestMatch = lngLongestMatch
    RetMatch = ""

    lngLongestMatch = lngLongestMatch _
    + Similarity_sub(start1, lngMatchAt1 - 1, _
    start2, lngMatchAt2 - 1, _
    b1, b2, _
    FirstString, _
    strRetMatch1, _
    min_match, _
    recur_level + 1)
    If strRetMatch1 <> "" Then
    RetMatch = RetMatch & strRetMatch1 & "*"
    RetMatch = RetMatch & IIf(recur_level = 0 _
    And lngLocalLongestMatch > 0 _
    And (lngMatchAt1 > 1 Or lngMatchAt2 > 1) _
    , "*", "")
    End If

    RetMatch = RetMatch & Mid$(FirstString, lngMatchAt1 + 1, lngLocalLongestMatch)

    lngLongestMatch = lngLongestMatch _
    + Similarity_sub(lngMatchAt1 + lngLocalLongestMatch, end1, _
    lngMatchAt2 + lngLocalLongestMatch, end2, _
    b1, b2, _
    FirstString, _
    strRetMatch2, _
    min_match, _
    recur_level + 1)

    If strRetMatch2 <> "" Then
    RetMatch = RetMatch & "*" & strRetMatch2
    RetMatch = RetMatch & IIf(recur_level = 0 _
    And lngLocalLongestMatch > 0 _
    And ((lngMatchAt1 + lngLocalLongestMatch < end1) _
    Or (lngMatchAt2 + lngLocalLongestMatch < end2)) _
    , "*", "")
    End If

    Similarity_sub = lngLongestMatch

    End Function
    Essentially it is a function that takes in two strings and compares them. Based on how close the two strings are, the function outputs a value between 0 and 1, where 0 being no comparison between the two strings and 1 being the two strings are equal.

    With the help of a user from this forum, a macro was written so that the function would be called to compare two columns of data and if a match of 0.8 or greater was found then the row from the 1st column would be cut and pasted next to the corresponding row of the second column. The code for this was:-

    Sub Test()
    Dim arr1(), arr2(), i As Long, j As Long, str1 As String

    arr1 = Range("A2:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Value
    arr2 = Range("C2:C" & Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row).Value

    For i = 1 To UBound(arr2, 1)
    If Len(arr2(i, 1)) Then
    str1 = arr2(i, 1)
    arr2(i, 1) = ""
    For j = 1 To UBound(arr1, 1)
    If Len(arr1(j, 1)) Then
    If Similarity(str1, arr1(j, 1)) > 0.8 Then
    arr2(i, 1) = arr1(j, 1)
    arr1(j, 1) = ""
    Exit For
    End If
    End If
    Next j
    End If
    Next I

    Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arr1, 1), 1).Value = arr1
    Range("D2").Resize(UBound(arr2, 1), 1).Value = arr2
    End Sub
    I wanted to amend the code do the same thing but in a slightly different way.

    I have Database 1 which is always located between columns A and P.

    I have Database 2 is located between Columns R and AG.

    I wanted to amend the code so that each row in Database 2 is compared with each row in Database 1 and if a match is found than the row in Database 1 is cut and pasted next to the corresponding row in Database 2.

    But this time I wanted to find a match based on 3 tests of the similarity function:-

    The first test is that the first cell in Database 2 (R3) is compared with every row in column A of database 1 and the match must be greater than 0.9.

    The second test is that the second cell in Database 2 (S3) is compared with every row in column B of database 1 and the match must be greater than 0.7.

    The third test is that the third cell in Database 2 (T3) is compared with every row in column C of database 1 and the match must be greater than 0.8.

    The macro should essentially take the first 3 cells of each row in database 2 and compares it with the first three cells of every row in database 1, a match is only found if the similarity function returns 0.9, 0.7, 0.8 or greater for each cell comparison.

    If a match is found then the entire row of database 1 (columns A - P) is cut and pasted next to the corresponding row in Database 2 (Column AH).

    Can you help at all?

    I have attached the excel 2003 spread set which contains the two databases and included the similarity function.

    Attached Files Attached Files

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