Good Day,
Working with a SQL extract of data in Excel; need to send e-mail to supervisor with employee data. However, the employee can be listed more than once based on if they have more than one role. Also need to add each role to the body of the e-mail. I have created a script for the e-mail but it only does a single line at a time. Need to combine users and roles for each super.

I have tried Mail Merge does not work as each line has to be unique

For instance;

Column A has "Chris" listed three times because he has three unique roles listed in column B. In the e-mail to the super, Chris' name should be listed once but each role should be listed separately. If the Super has more employees, those would be listed in same email.

This should loop for each employee under said super until supervisor changes - this sounds like a complex nested loop but has anyone come across the need for something like this by chance?
