I am trying to selectively read a text file into a spreadsheet. Up until now I just copy and paste it in. This is fairly easy, but I'd like to be able to just load the parts of the file I want and have it load only the parts I want. The text file has a lot of extraneous information (180,000 lines) and I need less than 100. I have written some code to read the file and capture only the lines I want. Having done that, I want to transfer parts of the captured data into a range in a spreadsheet. Here's the code I have so far:

Sub ReadLSTFile()
Dim myFile As String, text As String, textline As String, posLat As Integer, posLong As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim LOC As String
Dim Unit As String
Dim PERIOD As String
Dim LineParsed As Variant
Dim ColName
Dim MyData As Variant
Dim FindColumns As Integer

myFile = ActiveSheet.Range("LSTFileName")
LOC = Range("LOC") + Range("LOC")
Unit = Range("Unit")
Open myFile For Input As #1
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, text
If InStr(1, text, "Columns Section") > 0 Then FindColumns = FindColumns + 1

    If Mid(text, 2, 1) = "C" And FindColumns = 2 And InStr(text, LOC) > 0 Then
    LineParsed = SplitEx(text, " ", Chr(34), True)
    If LineParsed(5) <> 0 Then Debug.Print text
    End If

Close #1

End Sub
This is what the print statement produces:

C    460  CCISRULnA         BS     26.859595             0            -0
 C    462  CCISRUlhC         BS     82.012188             0             0
 C    463  CCISRU..0         BS    121.888497             0            -0
 C    464  CCISRULTD         BS     26.859595             0             0
 C    466  CCISRUhtD         BS     82.012188             0             0
 C    467  CCISRUL9D         BS     25.031633             0            -0
 C    472  CCISRUh9D         BS     62.273607             0             0
 C    475  CCISRUSP1         BS      5.536804             0            -0
 C    476  CCISRUSA1         BS      0.749063             0             0
 C    477  CCISRUSI1         BS      1.874372             0             0
 C    478  CCISRUSN1         BS      0.713030             0             0
 C    479  CCISRUSC1         BS      0.111416             0             0
 C    480  CCISRUSH1         BS      1.072207             0             0
 C    481  CCISRUSB1         BS      0.275186             0             0
 C    484  CCISRUhP1         BS     12.941670             0            -0
 C    485  CCISRUhA1         BS      1.521523             0             0
 C    486  CCISRUd11         BS    180.620594             0             0
 C    488  CCISRUd31         BS     73.606563             0             0
 C    490  CCISRUh8D         BS     15.131447             0             0
 C    491  CCISRUDMY         BS     91.600996             0             0
 C    492  CCISRUHtM         BS    189.015874             0             0
 C    493  CCISRUnnA         BS     13.016714             0             0
 C    495  CCISRUh2C         BS     13.016714             0             0
 C    497  CCISRUhaa         BS      5.533621             0             0
 C    498  CCISRUhbb         BS     16.896174             0             0
 C    499  CCISRUHMa         BS      2.681707             0             0
 C    500  CCISRUHmb         BS     16.896174             0             0
 C    501  CCISRU85R         BS     13.920931             0             0
 C    502  CCISRU90R         BS     89.085954             0             0
So far, so good. I just want the 3rd and 5th columns of data to go on the spreadsheet. I know I can get this done by brute force, but it seems like there must be a simple way to transfer the data to an array and plug it into the spreadsheet, and I'd like to know what that might be without have to reinvent the wheel.
