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Dynamically Transposing and Deleting Rows to Columns

  1. #1
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    Post Dynamically Transposing and Deleting Rows to Columns


    I'm really new to the world of VBA, and would appreciate some help. I have data that needs to be transposed from rows to columns within the same spreadsheet.(the rows that are transposed can then be deleted. ) The ranges would need to be set dynamically because the number of rows will vary, but each row is associated with unique id in row E - that's repeated, except for the header row. Only 4 columns will actually need to be repeated, and each inserted group of 4 (how many groups of 4 will depend on row count for each unique id in column E). These groups will need to be inserted BEFORE the last 3 columns.

    I spent a lot of time trying to wrap my head around this, and just not getting anywhere. Please help!
    Last edited by newB55; 09-22-2016 at 10:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert mike7952's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamically Transposing and Deleting Rows to Columns

    Best to upload an excel workbook, hard to work with pictures. Of course if data is sensitive replace with mock up data

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  3. #3
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    Re: Dynamically Transposing and Deleting Rows to Columns

    Thanks Mike7952. Here is the excel workbook.

    Also including some code that I was working on, but its resulting in errors at the moment I think I just need serious help on how to:

    1. InputRng that is comprised of selected columns - not all of the columns E though S - i really need column E, P, Q, R S.
    2. OutRng that would be column before the last 3 columns
    3. How keep iterating (while unique id in column E is the same) and transposing the associated rows for columns P - S only . (except for that 1st repeating group for each unique id, which is already transposed technically )
    4. How to also ensure the header row for the P-S should also be repeating.
    5. How to delete those repeating rows after transposing

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    'this is not working since i don't want all of the columns between E and S..just some
    Set InputRng = Range("E1", Range("S1").End(xlDown))

    ' not working either...but it should be inserting it before Column T
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    Last edited by vlady; 09-20-2016 at 09:23 PM. Reason: Use code tags

  4. #4
    Forum Expert mike7952's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamically Transposing and Deleting Rows to Columns

    Give this a try

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  5. #5
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    Re: Dynamically Transposing and Deleting Rows to Columns

    This is great! This was so hard for me. Here some things that need tweaking...

    1. If I try to have one unique id with say 8 rows... the the last 3 rows somehow end up in the middle and not at end. They need to always be last, and i will never know what the count would be ...4, 8, 10. (example: See "new input tab" for unique id 1114, and see the output in "sheet1" - AF, AG, AH should always be at the end of each row the last 3 columns.)

    2. Is it possible to have the the header row remain intact plus the columns should keep repeating for P, Q, R, S , like in "sample" tab - Header p Header q Header r Header s Header p Header q Header r Header s. Can all the cells also keep their original formatting?

    3. Some of the cells (in "new input" tab in red) have formulas, so when i ran the macro, they no longer worked. (T2, U2, V2 & T10, U10, V10 and T12, U12, V12). Any way to automate that as well so it carries over the formula given the new row vs column structure)
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  6. #6
    Forum Expert mike7952's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamically Transposing and Deleting Rows to Columns

    Will have to look at tomorrow I'm at work now for 12 hours.

    Thanks Mike

  7. #7
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    Re: Dynamically Transposing and Deleting Rows to Columns

    Thanks mike7952!!!! I appreciate your help.

  8. #8
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    Re: Dynamically Transposing and Deleting Rows to Columns

    Hi mike7952. I tried to fix the function but getting stuck on the portion below. It looks like when the 1st column contains duplicates (which could happen) then the last 3 columns (20, 21, 22) of the row with duplicate, get repeated and don't reflect the actual values in 20, 21, 22 for that row. Also, how can I dynamically set the column destination (right now is its 32) - i just want the destination column (for 20, 21, 22 ) to be the next cell in that row, after last 4 column grouping.

    Also, how to do I get the header row to also repeat but only for P through S. Thanks

    For Each w In .Items
    Cells(iCounter, 1).Resize(, UBound(w) + 1) = w
    With WorksheetFunction
    iRow = .Match(w(0), .Index(arr, 0, 1), 0)
    ' last 3 summary columns
    Cells(iCounter, 32).Resize(, 3).Value = Array(arr(iRow, 20), arr(iRow, 21), arr(iRow, 22))

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