I'm using multiple userforms. 1 main userform that has several macro functions for a dashboard environment .... one option on the dashboard form is to set up dates using a "UserForm" pop up calendar. This calendar user form will unload the form following a date selection, however, it unloads all forms. How can I unload only the calendar form and leave my Main userform active?

I have the below for starters. The Main Dashoard form code is as follows;

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not (Target.Rows.Count = 1 And Target.Columns.Count = 1) Then Exit Sub

If Target.Address = [a1].Address Then

'If Target.Value > "" Then
If Target.Value = "OPEN" Then
FRM_DASHBOARD.Show vbModeless

End If

End If

End Sub
The Userform for the Calendar:

Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
If Me.Calendar1.Value Then Unload Me
End sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.Calendar1.Value = Date 'Replace with the date to show on the calendar
Me.Calendar1.Value = vbNullString
End Sub