Hi folks!
I am new to the forum and would really appreciate some help in working out where I am going wrong with the following:
I have a drop down list on my 'Summary Sheet' with 4 options: Select, Low, Medium and High (the cell 'D13' holds these options. The list is data validated and is on the DATA spread sheet under the range named 'Levels'.
What I am trying to do is when D13 shows 'Select" all the sheets remain, when D13 shows 'Low', the Moderate exposure audit and High Exposure Audit sheets disappear, then when D13 shows 'Moderate', the Low and High sheets disappear and when D13 shows 'High', the Low and Moderate sheets disappear. I managed to get the first part working but when I added in for the next sheets they all seemed to disappear and I couldn't get them back. The code I have in now, nothing happens: Can someone please help, it is driving me mad!
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If [D13] = "Low" Then
Sheets("Low Exposure Audit").Visible = True
Sheets("Moderate Exposure Audit").Visible = False
Sheets("High Exposure Audit").Visible = False
End If
If [D13] = "Moderate" Then
Sheets("Moderate Exposure Audit").Visible = True
Sheets("Low Exposure Audit").Visible = False
Sheets("High Exposure Audit").Visible = False
End If
If [D13] = "High" Then
Sheets("High Exposure Audit").Visible = True
Sheets("Moderate Exposure Audit").Visible = False
Sheets("High Exposure Audit").Visible = False
End If
End If

End Sub