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Change the format in column O depending on other columns format

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    Change the format in column O depending on other columns format

    I got a datafile with a lot of dates, see attached file. In column O (15) there is a delivery date which is the column of my focus. I would like to change the format on the following range: (Range(Cells(2,15),Cells(LastRow,15)). In my attached file there is "Before" and "After" sheets which is how it is today and how I would like to have it after my code. Every cell in column O can have five different formats;

    1. Red fill and Bold text (example row 2,3,4..)
    2. Green Fill and Bold text (example row 16,24..)
    3. Red Font (example row 10,15,28..)
    4. Green Font (example row 5,11..)
    5. Normal Format (example row 8,21..)

    The format of column O depends on the columns F to N. A bold cell with a date means that this is a actual date. If on the other hand the date isn't bold it means that the date is a scheduled date. If a date is red, than its mean its after schedule, green on the hand means before or on scheduled date. Therefore if the last date in column F to N are bold then its mean that this ID is delivered and the format of the column O should then be bold and red or green fill depending if the last date is on or off schedule (green or red).

    If the last date is not bold (delivered) then the column O should not be bold and instead have a font in red or green depending on the last bold cell status (On or off Schedule - Red or Green).

    This is a bit hard to explain but check the attached file and maybe its easier to follow this explanation.

    Im kinda new to VBA so if anyone would like to help me out I would be very happy.

    Attached Files Attached Files

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