
I have quite some text-boxes for entering data. For user to be efficient i created _Exit event with setting focus on next textbox.
So user can just move to next textbox only with return key, no need to use mouse.
Now comes the problem. If user makes mistake and wants to correct value in previous textbox, textbox cannot be selected because there is _Exit event on next text box which moves focus to next textbox so long that it comes to commandbutton, where it clears all textboxes and set focus on first textbox for new entries.

In the userform there is also listview to immediately reflect entered values.
Does anyone have an idea how to make possibility to be able to correct values in previous textboxes, before coming to commandbutton.

Private Sub TextBoxAnalizeNed_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

    Cells(j, 16).Value = TextBoxAnalizeNed

    With Me.ListView1
        .Gridlines = True
        .HideColumnHeaders = False
        .View = lvwReport
    End With

    'Set the source worksheet
    Set wksSource = Worksheets("VhodniPodatkiKoncna")
    'Set the source range
    Set rngData = wksSource.Range("B1:P" & LastRowNaziv)
    'Add the column headers
    For Each rngCell In rngData.Rows(1).Cells
        Me.ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add Text:=rngCell.Value, Width:=55
    Next rngCell
    For k = 2 To LastRowNaziv
        Set LstItem = Me.ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:=rngData(k, 1).Value)
        For l = 2 To LastCol
            LstItem.ListSubItems.Add Text:=rngData(k, l).Value
            ListView1.ColumnHeaders(1).Width = 150
        Next l
    Next k
End Sub
Thanks for any suggestion