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Using VBA to determine a timespan

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Using VBA to determine a timespan


    I am trying to work out a bit of code that looks at a cell (formatted as time, preferably "h:mm:ss;@") and will then output a number in another cell if that time is within a timespan.

    This is what I want to happen:
    Time Charge
    0:15:00 1
    0:46:00 2
    1:15:01 3

    The time is already determined with a formula (=E4-C4)

    The timespans are: between 0:00:00 and 0:30:00, between 0:30:01 and 1:00:00, between 1:00:01 and 1:30:00, and so on by half-hour increments until it reaches 2:30:00.

    What I have currently is this:
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    This is not working at all and I do not know what I'm doing wrong. I know I could have this as a formula within the cell but I would like to avoid that if at all possible.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: Using VBA to determine a timespan

    I figured it out! There is a function called TIMEVALUE which did exactly what I needed. Here is the updated code:

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