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Create a filename after validation

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Create a filename after validation

    Hi all,

    I'm looking to create a file name after it's been picked up and validated that it exists. The format I'm thinking is along the lines of:

    The Filename will be - FruitName + Date (The fruit will be input into A1)


    Pull the Fruit from A1 and validate again as list of fruit using a Booleon
    If true then Continue
    If not then a userform pops up forcing them to slelect a fruit

    Then Count the fruit length i.e. Fruitlength - Len(Fruit)
    Then length of fruit + 8 (As the date will always be 8 i.e. 29/03/2017)

    Then Loop through a folder stating 'if left 'whatever the total length of Fruit + Date was" = Fruit name
    If its found then count Plus 1 and save

    I.e. If It was Banana29032017 then save as Banana2903201701
    If Banana2903201701 existed then save as Banana2903201702

    I hope that makes sense - I think I'm pretty much there structure wise

    Any help on the writing?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Excel 365 (Windows)

    Re: Create a filename after validation

    This assumes that you have a valid list of Fruit Names in a range named FruitNames. You can modify it as needed - post back if you need further help.

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    Bernie Deitrick
    Excel MVP 2000-2010

  3. #3
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    Re: Create a filename after validation

    Hi Bernie,

    Thanks for your reply

    At first glance that looks spot on! I do have a list of FruitNames however it's in column B (B1:B400) IN another work that will also be open so I shall have to reference that, or possibly just create a hidden sheet within this workbook....that would probably be easier.

    I've changed Exit Sub to:

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    To force the user to put a fruit in the cell rather than just close it too!

    I'll test it tomorrow when I have access, thanks again for your help

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