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Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

  1. #1
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    Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

    I'm attempting to update a legacy report to a 64Bit environment. The report in question runs just fine under 32bit office using the 32bit Microsoft ODBC driver for Oracle.

    When attempting to run this under a 64bit office environment running the 64bit Oracle ODBC driver (cos Microsoft never made a 64bit version of theirs) I'm getting some very odd results:


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    The above only brings back 1 row of data, it should bring back 6 rows.

    Here's the interesting bit. The command Rst.MoveFirst is in there because......if I stop the code just before the copyfromrecordset command and manually issue an Rst.movefirst command from the immediate window.....and then resume at the copyfromrecordset command.....it brings back the correct 6 rows of data. However, when the rst.movefirst command in the code itself.....it doesn't work and only brings back 1 row of data. I can even run the code as far as the copyfromrecordset command, so the rst.movefirst has already run......F8 the copyfromrecordset and it'll bring back 1 row of data......manually issue the movefirst command and then rerun the copyfromrecordset.....and it'll bring back 6 rows.

    Also....on both the 32bit and 64bit versions, polling the rst.recordcount brings back -1.

    What the actual f.....?

    oh P.S. If I specify a cursor type of 'adopenstatic' in the Rst.Open command......Excel crashes.
    Last edited by BellyGas; 05-24-2017 at 06:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru xlnitwit's Avatar
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    Re: Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set


    Recordcount often brings back -1 depending on the cursor location and type.

    You shouldn't actually need a MoveFirst command there- what happens if you remove it?
    Please remember to mark your thread 'Solved' when appropriate.

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    Re: Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

    It brings back 1 row of data. The only reason it's in there is because I found that manually doing an rst.movefirst command from the immediate window after the recordset had been opened then made the copyfromrecordset command bring back the full recordset.
    Last edited by BellyGas; 05-24-2017 at 06:34 AM.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru xlnitwit's Avatar
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    Re: Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

    Very strange. Does it make any difference if you change the buffer size setting (FBS in the connection string) to a larger value?

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    Re: Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

    No, tried 500000, all it did was make the Db response time to triple.

  6. #6
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    Re: Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

    Hi BellyGas
    I expect you are way , way ahead of me on all this ADO stuff..
    _.. so this is just a shot in the dark…

    I found the cursor options to be a bit hit and miss when ever I have dabbled in ADO stuff.
    As Don said .RecordCount often returns -1.
    It often did with me a lot.
    I would experiment with all the CursorType and LockType ( https://www.excelforum.com/developme...ml#post4653550 )

    Sometimes my best results often came however, from not specifying CursorType and LockType, but instead including a _..
    oRst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    _.. just after the Set of the ADODB.Recordset, oRst
    That made my codes a bit faster, and cured a .RecordCount = -1 problem

    I might be talking rubbish, as I do not know exactly what .CursorLocation does, –so just a shot in the dark….

    ( Even if you are late binding , you will need to set a reference for Microsoft Active X Data Objects 2.5 Library, ( or similar ) for .CursorLocation to work ( https://www.excelforum.com/excel-pro...ml#post4657419 )


    ( P.s. I decided not to use .CopyFromRecordset or GetRows() .
    I always found looping through records, once I knew .RecordCount in VBA to fill a VBA Array of the Recordset never slower and even surprisingly quicker occasionally.
    .CopyFromRecordset or GetRows() , I found to be a pain in debugging, and even for fairly big data files I never saw any speed advantages using .CopyFromRecordset or GetRows()
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  7. #7
    Forum Guru xlnitwit's Avatar
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    Re: Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.AElstein View Post
    Even if you are late binding , you will need to set a reference for Microsoft Active X Data Objects 2.5 Library, ( or similar ) for .CursorLocation to work
    It is simpler to either use the literal value(s) or just declare the constant(s) yourself thus
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    There is no point in late binding if you set a reference anyway.

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    Re: Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

    Hi Don
    Quote Originally Posted by xlnitwit View Post
    It is simpler to either use the literal value(s) or just declare the constant(s) yourself thus…
    I prefer not to declare the constants as it caught me out once with multiple declarations, https://www.excelforum.com/excel-pro...ml#post4653708
    I prefer named arguments, - just a personal preference as it helps me remember what is going on

    Quote Originally Posted by xlnitwit View Post
    ...There is no point in late binding if you set a reference anyway.
    I agree with that. I just noticed that when I added a .CursorLocation to an existing code which was late binded, I got caught out once. So I was just mentioning it so that if anyone tried .CursorLocation out on an existing code, then they would have to make sure they had the reference set.

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    Forum Guru xlnitwit's Avatar
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    Re: Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

    But you only need the reference set if you use an enumeration from the ADO library without declaring it yourself. Using CursorLocation per se does not require a reference.

  10. #10
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    Re: Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

    Hi Don
    Quote Originally Posted by xlnitwit View Post
    But you only need the reference set if you use an enumeration from the ADO library without declaring it yourself. Using CursorLocation per se does not require a reference.

    I expect I just do not understand what you are saying.
    I had a late Binded code here: https://www.excelforum.com/excel-pro...ml#post4656066
    I added oRsT.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    That code line errors without a reference
    I am sure you are correct. I just don’t understand what you are saying.
    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 05-24-2017 at 08:33 AM.

  11. #11
    Forum Guru xlnitwit's Avatar
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    Re: Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

    If you don't have a reference set and use adUseClient, it's an undeclared variable and will be coerced at runtime to a number value of 0. The valid values for CursorLocation are
    adUseClient- 3
    adUseClientBatch- 3
    adUseNone- 1
    adUseServer- 2
    and thus passing 0 will indeed raise an error. If however you declare your own constant for adUseClient as I mentioned earlier, or use
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    there will not be any need for a reference. (on a side note, this has nothing to do with named arguments so I'm not really sure why you mentioned those)

    All of that is true for any enumeration you use from any library to which you have not set a reference; it has nothing to do with CursorLocation specifically.

  12. #12
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    Re: Retrieving ADO recordset doesn't bring back full set

    Found the issue: The IT dept here are a bunch of halfwits.

    The issue is the server in question has a faulty RAM module and keeps seeing corrupted stack space. The bigger issue was that when we originally asked for a 64bit environment the request specified a virtual desktop machine.....and some BOFH from IT jumped in and insisted it should be a server instead.....so we let them get on with it. At 1.30pm today I went to IT with my concerns that this server they've built is, to coin a technical term: shagged.

    To which I got the reply: Well you shouldn't be running Office on a server.

    I was very close to being sent on an anger management course by HR.....

  13. #13
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Retrieving ADO recordset don't bring back full set and various "wit bits" ernumerations ..

    @ Bellygas
    Glad you got it sorted
    I agree - sounds like your IT dept are …..xxxxxxx, but it ended up with me sorting out a problem I had had for a while. – and I learnt something useful
    Half wits, nitwits, all happens for a reason I guess, what will be will be .. Variety is the spice of life …etc…

    @ Don
    Hi Don
    Quote Originally Posted by xlnitwit View Post
    If you don't have a reference set and use adUseClient, it's an undeclared variable,,,,The valid values for CursorLocation are...
    All of that is true for any enumeration you use from any library to which you have not set a reference; it has nothing to do with CursorLocation specifically.
    I see what you are saying now. - I see, and tried it out, … and as you say in the examples I had been looking at previously I could use the appropriate number without the “word” and then did not need the reference as I had needed for using the “word” instead.
    I suppose that might be telling me that in the library those “words” are just defined as variables, - constant numbers as you showed.
    Actually, that answers nicely now the question I had had about why I came across some defined constants in a code I copied. It never occurred to me at the time that that meant the code would work without a reference. That all makes sense now . Thanks
    Quote Originally Posted by xlnitwit View Post
    ….on a side note, this has nothing to do with named arguments so I'm not really sure why you mentioned those….
    That’s just me in my ignorance mixing up terminology I expect…..
    This _..
    a() = Split(Delimiter:="|", Expression:="a|b|c")
    _..I believe would be a named argument version of
    a() = Split(a|b|c","|")
    ( The later has to be in order, and in some cases might need a place holder, like , , . The former can be in any order )
    I guess what we are talking about is something else – “enumerations
    I guess I should have just said I would prefer to use a “word version” or “word” in general to help me remember what is going on.
    _.. Now that I have learnt this interesting “enumeration” thingy, I can go on to use it to good effect now ….
    So like at the start of my module I can have something maybe not quite as bad as this:
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    Then I use it later in the code like this
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    Works nicely.
    Thanks again

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