Hey there,
I am self taught in VBA and am reasonably new at this so please bear with me.
Unfortunately I am unable to upload my spreadsheet due to sensitive content however I will explain as best as I can.

I have a grid of rates in a spreadsheet that have been produced based on some predefined criteria. These rates would then change dependent on the product that has been selected in a Combo Box.
There are 132 rates in the grid, and 13 products in the Combo Box.
Once these rates have been produced, there is then some research carried out and on occasion the rates that are automatically produced need to be fine tuned by $1 or $2 - however there is a minimum sell rate that varies per product
I then have a Userform that has each of the 132 rates display in one Textbox each (132 textboxes) when the Userform Initializes. A Combo Box and Command Button then manage the refreshing of the rates dependent on the product selected.
To manage the adjustments that may need to be applied, I then have 132 Spin Buttons; one for each Textbox

My hurdle that I have run into is ... how do I set Min to the Spin Buttons on Userform_Initialize() when there are 132 of them, and 13 different Min's (dependent on the product selected)?

Any help would be MASSIVELY appreciated.