I have written some VBA to find the Max value in a range and then return the corresponding values relating to that Max value.
I can then show this in a Msg Box.
The MsgBox shows the desired results when everything is aligned to the current worksheet.
However, if I try to initialise the MsgBox on a separate Sheet within the same workbook I cannot do it.
Could someone look at the code below and advise how I can get the MsgBox to appear please?

Sub NPark2()
Dim nMax As Long
Dim MaxiNP As Long
With Sheets("Max2")
nMax = Evaluate("=MAX(IF(B:B=""Noble Park"",a:a))")
MaxiNP = nMax
Team = Application.VLookup(MaxiNP, Range("A:H"), 2, False)
Goal = Application.VLookup(MaxiNP, Range("A:H"), 3, False)
Bhds = Application.VLookup(MaxiNP, Range("A:H"), 4, False)
Pnts = Application.VLookup(MaxiNP, Range("A:H"), 5, False)
Yers = Application.VLookup(MaxiNP, Range("A:H"), 6, False)
Rond = Application.VLookup(MaxiNP, Range("A:H"), 7, False)
TmVs = Application.VLookup(MaxiNP, Range("A:H"), 8, False)
MsgBox Worksheets("Max2").Team & Chr(10) & Worksheets("Max2").Goal & "." & Worksheets("Max2").Bhds & "." & Worksheets("Max2").Pnts & Chr(10) & "against " & Worksheets("Max2").TmVs & Chr(10) & "in " & Worksheets("Max2").Yers, vbInformation, "HS in Under 10's"
End With
End Sub