The first one is the Worksheet code, it activates when I press enter. This works fine as I only want to copy up to BQ for the next row.
The second one is when I create a new worksheet. I would like it to not copy the "entire worksheet" but only the same as my copy in the first macro, A to BQ. and none of the "buttons" that are on the original sheet.
Now when I run this (second) macro from the "Slide Sheet" tab, it creates the next worksheet "Sidetrack (1)" which is perfect. But since I don't want to transfer the form control buttons to the additional sheets, I would like for it to check if there is a "Sidetrack (1)" sheet and if there is then create the next sheet "Sidetrack (2)" etc.
Thanks for your help

Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim cell As Range, LR As Long

LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For Each cell In Target
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    If cell.Row = LR Then
     With Range("A" & LR & ":BQ" & LR)
    .Copy Range("A" & LR + 1)
            On Error Resume Next
        End With
        Range("M" & LR + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC4"
        Me.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$V$" & LR + 1
    End If
    If cell.Column = 7 Then             'if column G and AK is blank, add a new timestamp
        If Range("AK" & cell.Row) = "" Then Range("AK" & cell.Row) = Now
    End If
    If (Cells(Target.Row, 8) > 12 Or Cells(Target.Row, 8) < 0.01) And Cells(Target.Row, 8) <> "" Then
       MsgBox "Dogleg is greater than 12 or Exactly 0 on Survey Station " & Cells(Target.Row, 1) & ", please check there is no typo", vbInformation
   End If
    Application.EnableEvents = True
Next cell

End Sub
Sub NextSlide()
Dim shNUM As Long, shName As String, ThisWS As Worksheet, LR As Long
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Set ThisWS = ActiveSheet
    If InStr(ThisWS.Name, "(") > 0 Then
        shName = Replace(ThisWS.Name, ")", "")
        shNUM = Mid(shName, InStr(shName, "(") + 1, 2)
        shNUM = 0
    End If
    If Not Evaluate("ISREF('Sidetrack (" & shNUM + 1 & ")'!A1)") Then
        ThisWS.Copy After:=ThisWS
        With ActiveSheet
            .Name = "Sidetrack (" & shNUM + 1 & ")"
            .Range("Y10").Formula = "=IF(IF('Well Info'!$J$36=0,'Well Info'!$M$27,'Well Info'!$J$36)>=IF('Well Info'!$J$35=0,'Well Info'!$M$27,'Well Info'!$J$35),IF('Well Info'!$J$36=0,'Well Info'!$M$27,'Well Info'!$J$36),IF('Well Info'!$J$35=0,'Well Info'!$M$27,'Well Info'!$J$35))"
            Call EraseSlideSheet(.Name)
            .Protect "fdrur", Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, UserInterfaceOnly:=True
        End With
    End If
    Sheets("Sidetrack (" & shNUM + 1 & ")").Activate
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub