
I am new to VBA and trying to make a dashboard. My raw data has the columns:

Requester Name; Request Date; Comments; Status

So under requester name there will be a name and I would like to make a dashboard where you select one of the names and then it shows all of the data associated with that. How do I get a combo box to allow me to select a name (from the Requester Name column), and then display the other data from that row?

For example if I select Name#1, I want the dashboard to display the info they need to know, ex. request date, comments, etc. I would also like to somehow make a progress bar showing the status (not started, in progress, on hold, completed), and I don't even know how to start this.

Any help would be appreciated! I've tried reading/googling and trying to figure it out but I'm just not sure where to start or how to find info on exactly what I'm trying to do.



P.S. The purpose of this is because my raw data contains a lot of other columns that would be irrelevant to the person listed under "Requester Name". I want it to be easy for them to open the spreadsheet, go to the dashboard, and select their name from a drop down and show all their open requests, relevant info, and their status.