
I would like to use a FOR...NEXT loop to read 6 cells from an excel file and update six fields of my user form.

It should perform this :
- store in TextBoxDescription01 what it reads from cell A1"), then
- store in TextBoxDescription02 what it reads from cell A2"), then
- store in TextBoxDescription03 what it reads from cell A3"), etc....

I am trying to use a loop that does not work:

For x = 1 To 6
UserForm1.TextBoxDescription0x = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & x)
Next x

It does not like my "x" after TextBoxDescription0. My purpose is that it generates automatically TextBoxDescription01, TexboxDescription02, etc.

What am I doing wrong? I tried alternates like TextBoxDescription0 & x, etc... But without success...