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Request = generate the maximum formations 3 letters of the 10 letters

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    excel 2016

    Request = generate the maximum formations 3 letters of the 10 letters

    Request = generate the maximum formations 3 letters of the 10 letters
    The ten letters = abcdefghij
    In 5
    Aaabb to iiijj
    aaaab= error,
    corret maximum 3 letters

  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    The Great State of Texas
    MS-Off Ver
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    Re: Request = generate the maximum formations 3 letters of the 10 letters

    aaabb abdjj afffj bcggg ccggi deejj
    aaabc abeee affgg bcggh ccggj defff
    aaabd abeef affgh bcggi ccghh deffg
    aaabe abeeg affgi bcggj ccghi deffh
    aaabf abeeh affgj bcghh ccghj deffi
    aaabg abeei affhh bcghi ccgii deffj
    aaabh abeej affhi bcghj ccgij defgg
    aaabi abeff affhj bcgii ccgjj defgh
    aaabj abefg affii bcgij cchhh defgi
    aaacc abefh affij bcgjj cchhi defgj
    aaacd abefi affjj bchhh cchhj defhh
    aaace abefj afggg bchhi cchii defhi
    aaacf abegg afggh bchhj cchij defhj
    aaacg abegh afggi bchii cchjj defii
    aaach abegi afggj bchij cciii defij
    aaaci abegj afghh bchjj cciij defjj
    aaacj abehh afghi bciii ccijj deggg
    aaadd abehi afghj bciij ccjjj deggh
    aaade abehj afgii bcijj cddde deggi
    aaadf abeii afgij bcjjj cdddf deggj
    aaadg abeij afgjj bddde cdddg deghh
    aaadh abejj afhhh bdddf cdddh deghi
    aaadi abfff afhhi bdddg cdddi deghj
    aaadj abffg afhhj bdddh cdddj degii
    aaaee abffh afhii bdddi cddee degij
    aaaef abffi afhij bdddj cddef degjj
    aaaeg abffj afhjj bddee cddeg dehhh
    aaaeh abfgg afiii bddef cddeh dehhi
    aaaei abfgh afiij bddeg cddei dehhj
    aaaej abfgi afijj bddeh cddej dehii
    aaaff abfgj afjjj bddei cddff dehij
    aaafg abfhh agggh bddej cddfg dehjj
    aaafh abfhi agggi bddff cddfh deiii
    aaafi abfhj agggj bddfg cddfi deiij
    aaafj abfii agghh bddfh cddfj deijj
    aaagg abfij agghi bddfi cddgg dejjj
    aaagh abfjj agghj bddfj cddgh dfffg
    aaagi abggg aggii bddgg cddgi dfffh
    aaagj abggh aggij bddgh cddgj dfffi
    aaahh abggi aggjj bddgi cddhh dfffj
    aaahi abggj aghhh bddgj cddhi dffgg
    aaahj abghh aghhi bddhh cddhj dffgh
    aaaii abghi aghhj bddhi cddii dffgi
    aaaij abghj aghii bddhj cddij dffgj
    aaajj abgii aghij bddii cddjj dffhh
    aabbb abgij aghjj bddij cdeee dffhi
    aabbc abgjj agiii bddjj cdeef dffhj
    aabbd abhhh agiij bdeee cdeeg dffii
    aabbe abhhi agijj bdeef cdeeh dffij
    aabbf abhhj agjjj bdeeg cdeei dffjj
    aabbg abhii ahhhi bdeeh cdeej dfggg
    aabbh abhij ahhhj bdeei cdeff dfggh
    aabbi abhjj ahhii bdeej cdefg dfggi
    aabbj abiii ahhij bdeff cdefh dfggj
    aabcc abiij ahhjj bdefg cdefi dfghh
    aabcd abijj ahiii bdefh cdefj dfghi
    aabce abjjj ahiij bdefi cdegg dfghj
    aabcf acccd ahijj bdefj cdegh dfgii
    aabcg accce ahjjj bdegg cdegi dfgij
    aabch acccf aiiij bdegh cdegj dfgjj
    aabci acccg aiijj bdegi cdehh dfhhh
    aabcj accch aijjj bdegj cdehi dfhhi
    aabdd accci bbbcc bdehh cdehj dfhhj
    aabde acccj bbbcd bdehi cdeii dfhii
    aabdf accdd bbbce bdehj cdeij dfhij
    aabdg accde bbbcf bdeii cdejj dfhjj
    aabdh accdf bbbcg bdeij cdfff dfiii
    aabdi accdg bbbch bdejj cdffg dfiij
    aabdj accdh bbbci bdfff cdffh dfijj
    aabee accdi bbbcj bdffg cdffi dfjjj
    aabef accdj bbbdd bdffh cdffj dgggh
    aabeg accee bbbde bdffi cdfgg dgggi
    aabeh accef bbbdf bdffj cdfgh dgggj
    aabei acceg bbbdg bdfgg cdfgi dgghh
    aabej acceh bbbdh bdfgh cdfgj dgghi
    aabff accei bbbdi bdfgi cdfhh dgghj
    aabfg accej bbbdj bdfgj cdfhi dggii
    aabfh accff bbbee bdfhh cdfhj dggij
    aabfi accfg bbbef bdfhi cdfii dggjj
    aabfj accfh bbbeg bdfhj cdfij dghhh
    aabgg accfi bbbeh bdfii cdfjj dghhi
    aabgh accfj bbbei bdfij cdggg dghhj
    aabgi accgg bbbej bdfjj cdggh dghii
    aabgj accgh bbbff bdggg cdggi dghij
    aabhh accgi bbbfg bdggh cdggj dghjj
    aabhi accgj bbbfh bdggi cdghh dgiii
    aabhj acchh bbbfi bdggj cdghi dgiij
    aabii acchi bbbfj bdghh cdghj dgijj
    aabij acchj bbbgg bdghi cdgii dgjjj
    aabjj accii bbbgh bdghj cdgij dhhhi
    aaccc accij bbbgi bdgii cdgjj dhhhj
    aaccd accjj bbbgj bdgij cdhhh dhhii
    aacce acddd bbbhh bdgjj cdhhi dhhij
    aaccf acdde bbbhi bdhhh cdhhj dhhjj
    aaccg acddf bbbhj bdhhi cdhii dhiii
    aacch acddg bbbii bdhhj cdhij dhiij
    aacci acddh bbbij bdhii cdhjj dhijj
    aaccj acddi bbbjj bdhij cdiii dhjjj
    aacdd acddj bbccc bdhjj cdiij diiij
    aacde acdee bbccd bdiii cdijj diijj
    aacdf acdef bbcce bdiij cdjjj dijjj
    aacdg acdeg bbccf bdijj ceeef eeeff
    aacdh acdeh bbccg bdjjj ceeeg eeefg
    aacdi acdei bbcch beeef ceeeh eeefh
    aacdj acdej bbcci beeeg ceeei eeefi
    aacee acdff bbccj beeeh ceeej eeefj
    aacef acdfg bbcdd beeei ceeff eeegg
    aaceg acdfh bbcde beeej ceefg eeegh
    aaceh acdfi bbcdf beeff ceefh eeegi
    aacei acdfj bbcdg beefg ceefi eeegj
    aacej acdgg bbcdh beefh ceefj eeehh
    aacff acdgh bbcdi beefi ceegg eeehi
    aacfg acdgi bbcdj beefj ceegh eeehj
    aacfh acdgj bbcee beegg ceegi eeeii
    aacfi acdhh bbcef beegh ceegj eeeij
    aacfj acdhi bbceg beegi ceehh eeejj
    aacgg acdhj bbceh beegj ceehi eefff
    aacgh acdii bbcei beehh ceehj eeffg
    aacgi acdij bbcej beehi ceeii eeffh
    aacgj acdjj bbcff beehj ceeij eeffi
    aachh aceee bbcfg beeii ceejj eeffj
    aachi aceef bbcfh beeij cefff eefgg
    aachj aceeg bbcfi beejj ceffg eefgh
    aacii aceeh bbcfj befff ceffh eefgi
    aacij aceei bbcgg beffg ceffi eefgj
    aacjj aceej bbcgh beffh ceffj eefhh
    aaddd aceff bbcgi beffi cefgg eefhi
    aadde acefg bbcgj beffj cefgh eefhj
    aaddf acefh bbchh befgg cefgi eefii
    aaddg acefi bbchi befgh cefgj eefij
    aaddh acefj bbchj befgi cefhh eefjj
    aaddi acegg bbcii befgj cefhi eeggg
    aaddj acegh bbcij befhh cefhj eeggh
    aadee acegi bbcjj befhi cefii eeggi
    aadef acegj bbddd befhj cefij eeggj
    aadeg acehh bbdde befii cefjj eeghh
    aadeh acehi bbddf befij ceggg eeghi
    aadei acehj bbddg befjj ceggh eeghj
    aadej aceii bbddh beggg ceggi eegii
    aadff aceij bbddi beggh ceggj eegij
    aadfg acejj bbddj beggi ceghh eegjj
    aadfh acfff bbdee beggj ceghi eehhh
    aadfi acffg bbdef beghh ceghj eehhi
    aadfj acffh bbdeg beghi cegii eehhj
    aadgg acffi bbdeh beghj cegij eehii
    aadgh acffj bbdei begii cegjj eehij
    aadgi acfgg bbdej begij cehhh eehjj
    aadgj acfgh bbdff begjj cehhi eeiii
    aadhh acfgi bbdfg behhh cehhj eeiij
    aadhi acfgj bbdfh behhi cehii eeijj
    aadhj acfhh bbdfi behhj cehij eejjj
    aadii acfhi bbdfj behii cehjj efffg
    aadij acfhj bbdgg behij ceiii efffh
    aadjj acfii bbdgh behjj ceiij efffi
    aaeee acfij bbdgi beiii ceijj efffj
    aaeef acfjj bbdgj beiij cejjj effgg
    aaeeg acggg bbdhh beijj cfffg effgh
    aaeeh acggh bbdhi bejjj cfffh effgi
    aaeei acggi bbdhj bfffg cfffi effgj
    aaeej acggj bbdii bfffh cfffj effhh
    aaeff acghh bbdij bfffi cffgg effhi
    aaefg acghi bbdjj bfffj cffgh effhj
    aaefh acghj bbeee bffgg cffgi effii
    aaefi acgii bbeef bffgh cffgj effij
    aaefj acgij bbeeg bffgi cffhh effjj
    aaegg acgjj bbeeh bffgj cffhi efggg
    aaegh achhh bbeei bffhh cffhj efggh
    aaegi achhi bbeej bffhi cffii efggi
    aaegj achhj bbeff bffhj cffij efggj
    aaehh achii bbefg bffii cffjj efghh
    aaehi achij bbefh bffij cfggg efghi
    aaehj achjj bbefi bffjj cfggh efghj
    aaeii aciii bbefj bfggg cfggi efgii
    aaeij aciij bbegg bfggh cfggj efgij
    aaejj acijj bbegh bfggi cfghh efgjj
    aafff acjjj bbegi bfggj cfghi efhhh
    aaffg addde bbegj bfghh cfghj efhhi
    aaffh adddf bbehh bfghi cfgii efhhj
    aaffi adddg bbehi bfghj cfgij efhii
    aaffj adddh bbehj bfgii cfgjj efhij
    aafgg adddi bbeii bfgij cfhhh efhjj
    aafgh adddj bbeij bfgjj cfhhi efiii
    aafgi addee bbejj bfhhh cfhhj efiij
    aafgj addef bbfff bfhhi cfhii efijj
    aafhh addeg bbffg bfhhj cfhij efjjj
    aafhi addeh bbffh bfhii cfhjj egggh
    aafhj addei bbffi bfhij cfiii egggi
    aafii addej bbffj bfhjj cfiij egggj
    aafij addff bbfgg bfiii cfijj egghh
    aafjj addfg bbfgh bfiij cfjjj egghi
    aaggg addfh bbfgi bfijj cgggh egghj
    aaggh addfi bbfgj bfjjj cgggi eggii
    aaggi addfj bbfhh bgggh cgggj eggij
    aaggj addgg bbfhi bgggi cgghh eggjj
    aaghh addgh bbfhj bgggj cgghi eghhh
    aaghi addgi bbfii bgghh cgghj eghhi
    aaghj addgj bbfij bgghi cggii eghhj
    aagii addhh bbfjj bgghj cggij eghii
    aagij addhi bbggg bggii cggjj eghij
    aagjj addhj bbggh bggij cghhh eghjj
    aahhh addii bbggi bggjj cghhi egiii
    aahhi addij bbggj bghhh cghhj egiij
    aahhj addjj bbghh bghhi cghii egijj
    aahii adeee bbghi bghhj cghij egjjj
    aahij adeef bbghj bghii cghjj ehhhi
    aahjj adeeg bbgii bghij cgiii ehhhj
    aaiii adeeh bbgij bghjj cgiij ehhii
    aaiij adeei bbgjj bgiii cgijj ehhij
    aaijj adeej bbhhh bgiij cgjjj ehhjj
    aajjj adeff bbhhi bgijj chhhi ehiii
    abbbc adefg bbhhj bgjjj chhhj ehiij
    abbbd adefh bbhii bhhhi chhii ehijj
    abbbe adefi bbhij bhhhj chhij ehjjj
    abbbf adefj bbhjj bhhii chhjj eiiij
    abbbg adegg bbiii bhhij chiii eiijj
    abbbh adegh bbiij bhhjj chiij eijjj
    abbbi adegi bbijj bhiii chijj fffgg
    abbbj adegj bbjjj bhiij chjjj fffgh
    abbcc adehh bcccd bhijj ciiij fffgi
    abbcd adehi bccce bhjjj ciijj fffgj
    abbce adehj bcccf biiij cijjj fffhh
    abbcf adeii bcccg biijj dddee fffhi
    abbcg adeij bccch bijjj dddef fffhj
    abbch adejj bccci cccdd dddeg fffii
    abbci adfff bcccj cccde dddeh fffij
    abbcj adffg bccdd cccdf dddei fffjj
    abbdd adffh bccde cccdg dddej ffggg
    abbde adffi bccdf cccdh dddff ffggh
    abbdf adffj bccdg cccdi dddfg ffggi
    abbdg adfgg bccdh cccdj dddfh ffggj
    abbdh adfgh bccdi cccee dddfi ffghh
    abbdi adfgi bccdj cccef dddfj ffghi
    abbdj adfgj bccee ccceg dddgg ffghj
    abbee adfhh bccef ccceh dddgh ffgii
    abbef adfhi bcceg cccei dddgi ffgij
    abbeg adfhj bcceh cccej dddgj ffgjj
    abbeh adfii bccei cccff dddhh ffhhh
    abbei adfij bccej cccfg dddhi ffhhi
    abbej adfjj bccff cccfh dddhj ffhhj
    abbff adggg bccfg cccfi dddii ffhii
    abbfg adggh bccfh cccfj dddij ffhij
    abbfh adggi bccfi cccgg dddjj ffhjj
    abbfi adggj bccfj cccgh ddeee ffiii
    abbfj adghh bccgg cccgi ddeef ffiij
    abbgg adghi bccgh cccgj ddeeg ffijj
    abbgh adghj bccgi ccchh ddeeh ffjjj
    abbgi adgii bccgj ccchi ddeei fgggh
    abbgj adgij bcchh ccchj ddeej fgggi
    abbhh adgjj bcchi cccii ddeff fgggj
    abbhi adhhh bcchj cccij ddefg fgghh
    abbhj adhhi bccii cccjj ddefh fgghi
    abbii adhhj bccij ccddd ddefi fgghj
    abbij adhii bccjj ccdde ddefj fggii
    abbjj adhij bcddd ccddf ddegg fggij
    abccc adhjj bcdde ccddg ddegh fggjj
    abccd adiii bcddf ccddh ddegi fghhh
    abcce adiij bcddg ccddi ddegj fghhi
    abccf adijj bcddh ccddj ddehh fghhj
    abccg adjjj bcddi ccdee ddehi fghii
    abcch aeeef bcddj ccdef ddehj fghij
    abcci aeeeg bcdee ccdeg ddeii fghjj
    abccj aeeeh bcdef ccdeh ddeij fgiii
    abcdd aeeei bcdeg ccdei ddejj fgiij
    abcde aeeej bcdeh ccdej ddfff fgijj
    abcdf aeeff bcdei ccdff ddffg fgjjj
    abcdg aeefg bcdej ccdfg ddffh fhhhi
    abcdh aeefh bcdff ccdfh ddffi fhhhj
    abcdi aeefi bcdfg ccdfi ddffj fhhii
    abcdj aeefj bcdfh ccdfj ddfgg fhhij
    abcee aeegg bcdfi ccdgg ddfgh fhhjj
    abcef aeegh bcdfj ccdgh ddfgi fhiii
    abceg aeegi bcdgg ccdgi ddfgj fhiij
    abceh aeegj bcdgh ccdgj ddfhh fhijj
    abcei aeehh bcdgi ccdhh ddfhi fhjjj
    abcej aeehi bcdgj ccdhi ddfhj fiiij
    abcff aeehj bcdhh ccdhj ddfii fiijj
    abcfg aeeii bcdhi ccdii ddfij fijjj
    abcfh aeeij bcdhj ccdij ddfjj ggghh
    abcfi aeejj bcdii ccdjj ddggg ggghi
    abcfj aefff bcdij cceee ddggh ggghj
    abcgg aeffg bcdjj cceef ddggi gggii
    abcgh aeffh bceee cceeg ddggj gggij
    abcgi aeffi bceef cceeh ddghh gggjj
    abcgj aeffj bceeg cceei ddghi gghhh
    abchh aefgg bceeh cceej ddghj gghhi
    abchi aefgh bceei cceff ddgii gghhj
    abchj aefgi bceej ccefg ddgij gghii
    abcii aefgj bceff ccefh ddgjj gghij
    abcij aefhh bcefg ccefi ddhhh gghjj
    abcjj aefhi bcefh ccefj ddhhi ggiii
    abddd aefhj bcefi ccegg ddhhj ggiij
    abdde aefii bcefj ccegh ddhii ggijj
    abddf aefij bcegg ccegi ddhij ggjjj
    abddg aefjj bcegh ccegj ddhjj ghhhi
    abddh aeggg bcegi ccehh ddiii ghhhj
    abddi aeggh bcegj ccehi ddiij ghhii
    abddj aeggi bcehh ccehj ddijj ghhij
    abdee aeggj bcehi cceii ddjjj ghhjj
    abdef aeghh bcehj cceij deeef ghiii
    abdeg aeghi bceii ccejj deeeg ghiij
    abdeh aeghj bceij ccfff deeeh ghijj
    abdei aegii bcejj ccffg deeei ghjjj
    abdej aegij bcfff ccffh deeej giiij
    abdff aegjj bcffg ccffi deeff giijj
    abdfg aehhh bcffh ccffj deefg gijjj
    abdfh aehhi bcffi ccfgg deefh hhhii
    abdfi aehhj bcffj ccfgh deefi hhhij
    abdfj aehii bcfgg ccfgi deefj hhhjj
    abdgg aehij bcfgh ccfgj deegg hhiii
    abdgh aehjj bcfgi ccfhh deegh hhiij
    abdgi aeiii bcfgj ccfhi deegi hhijj
    abdgj aeiij bcfhh ccfhj deegj hhjjj
    abdhh aeijj bcfhi ccfii deehh hiiij
    abdhi aejjj bcfhj ccfij deehi hiijj
    abdhj afffg bcfii ccfjj deehj hijjj
    abdii afffh bcfij ccggg deeii iiijj
    abdij afffi bcfjj ccggh deeij iijjj
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    excel 2016

    Re: Request = generate the maximum formations 3 letters of the 10 letters

    Hello sgh. Perfect!!! much work, congratulations Thank you!

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor Maudibe's Avatar
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    Re: Request = generate the maximum formations 3 letters of the 10 letters

    I guess the assumption is that aaabb is the same as ababa. So, it is the total number of the combination of letters irregardless to the order in which they appear?

  5. #5
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Request = generate the maximum formations 3 letters of the 10 letters

    They are unordered samples with replacement, yes.

  6. #6
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Request = generate the maximum formations 3 letters of the 10 letters

    hello maudibe, how are the positions of last digits
    has to be posisional, which shg made this correct, perfect
    now for the initial digit then yes it must be in ascending order
    objective = to cross the two priests,
    this is a drastic reduction in the lottery
    of which I have the maximum standard of 3 letters both by lines and columns

  7. #7
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    Re: Request = generate the maximum formations 3 letters of the 10 letters

    hello mauribe in another post was made
    of the 8 lines, now shg made of the 10 columns
    example gave lottery = 03 15 26 48 79
    in the eight lines of the matrix of which the pattern
    in the 10 columns
    crossing the two patterns
    abceh / cefhi = = resulting = 03 15 26 48 79
    similar to the carteziano this type of crossing of two patterns
    of the matrix of quina 80/5
    10 columns per 8 rows

  8. #8
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Request = generate the maximum formations 3 letters of the 10 letters

    jorel, it's not a drastic reduction at all. There are 2002 ways to draw 5 balls from 10 with replacement, and your constraint of a max of three of a given "color" leaves 1902 of them.

  9. #9
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Request = generate the maximum formations 3 letters of the 10 letters

    Ok shg I'm referring to my lottery
    80/5 = 10 columns x 8 lines
    The likelihood of success of 5 numbers in 80 numbers is 24 million, and by doing so by crossing the letters of the 8 lines 728 with the letters of the 10 columns we have a mihao and 300 thousand or a reduction of almost 23 million
    Of course you have to give in the maximum of 3 letters
    but this to happen 3 letters is 90%
    out of 100 draws 90 are drawn in the default
    this is the advantage
    yes we have to do statistics of delays and frequencies
    Note this last post from 1902 is from the 10 columns
    for the 8 lines we have 728
    the matrix is 10 columns and 8 rows
    crossing is cartezian type
    100% accuracy condition is to give a maximum of 3 in each color

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