Have an excel 2010 file with code behind creating another excel file from options selected. Been uses this file long time and just making copies and making modifications for new month. In process of creating a new monthly file some current sheets are deleted and some other sheets are copied from another excel file and the code behind is executed. All if sudden started getting error message can not find a temp file. I finally got the file the way it should be by deleting a lot of temp files in local\temp directory. Passed the new file to a user for testing, first time processing it worked fine. But on second time got error message File not found: 'c:\Temp\VBEF4E.tmp, click ok the 400 error message. When user close the excel file and opened back up same thing: first account worked, error message on second account.

How to fix this problem? Don't want to go to each users to delete temp files, it might happen again.

Any help would be appreciated