Hey everyone,

I'm using the loop below to check column R for specific values. What I'd also like to be able to do in this same loop is check column G for some of these same values using offset. Any suggestion on how to achieve this?

 Dim dataIn, dataOut

    last = Cells(Rows.Count, "R").End(xlUp).Row

    dataIn = Range("R3:R" & last).Value2
    dataOut = Range("AB3:AB" & last).Value2
    For i = 1 To UBound(dataIn)
        If dataIn(i, 1) <> "" Then dataOut(i, 1) = "MISC EXPENSE"
        If dataIn(i, 1) Like "*12X12X12*" Then dataOut(i, 1) = "OFFICE EXPENSE"
        If dataIn(i, 1) Like "*12X12X10*" Then dataOut(i, 1) = "OFFICE EXPENSE"
        If dataIn(i, 1) Like "*17.5X12X3*" Then dataOut(i, 1) = "OFFICE EXPENSE"