Hello EveryBody Please Help me with use Filter in Array vba
i have code
like this
 Sub TESTarray_Filter()
 a_sn = Range("A2", [A10000].End(3)).Value
 a_sp = Filter(Application.Transpose(a_sn), [c2].Value)
 With Sheets(2)
  .Cells(1).Resize(UBound(a_sp), 1) = a_sp
 End With
 End Sub

my code sukses if Array (1d) if only one columns
now i want use filter with 2d array
if criteria in C2 and use Filter array vba if meet criteria in col A also in col b copy to sheet2
this is my code
 Sub TESTarray_Filter2D()
 a_sn = Range("A2", [B10000].End(3)).Value
 a_sp = Application.Index(a_sn, Filter(Application.Transpose(a_sn), [c2].Value), Array(1, 2))
 With Sheets(2)
  .Cells(1).Resize(UBound(a_sp), 2) = a_sp
 End With
 End Sub
but my code is error what is wrong with code please help me use filter