Hi All,
It's my first time attempting to extract information from a second workbook as part of a module in the original workbook.

This workbook already has 2 large modules in it, and the workbook I need to pull data from will be an exact copy of the current workbook, but with the previous month's data. However, everytime I run the below code (3rd module now) excel freezes as it opens the named file, and I have to force close it all. This happens when I save previous month as macro-enabled and just a normal excel workbook.

Option Explicit

Sub ImportReasons()

Dim fNameAndPath As Variant
Dim lm As Workbook

fNameAndPath = Application.GetOpenFilename(Title:="Select File From Previous Month")
If fNameAndPath = False Then Exit Sub
Workbooks.Open Filename:=fNameAndPath

Set lm = ActiveWorkbook
This problem doesn't occur when I open much smaller random excel files, so I know the code itself is fine but maybe I should be manipulating last months file somehow to make it easier for excel to open. Any insight is greatly appreciated (and unfortunately I cannot post original files as they are full of data that would take far too long to scrub).
