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Do while loop very slow?

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  1. #1
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    Do while loop very slow?

    Dear all,

    In my excel file I have a dataset for which I need to re-label some items. Below I have a part of the code that looks at a certain value and then decides the final label. The whole dataset is approx 30000 lines long but it takes forever to complete this (simple?) task?

    I would be keen to understand why this is so slow as I need this type of loop coding for other queries as well.



    Sub Update_data()
    ' 0. Variables
    ' ============
    ' Variables for loops
    Dim i As Long
    Dim viapoint As String
    ' 1. Computation
    ' ==============
    ' Desactivate display of Sheets during computation
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        'First dataline
        i = 2
        'Start Loop
        Do While Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1))
        'In loop variables
        viapoint = Cells(i, 4)
            ' Step 1 Flow
            Select Case viapoint
            Case "Direct traffic"
            Cells(i, 10) = "Direct"
            Case Else
            Cells(i, 10) = "Indirect"
            End Select
            i = i + 1
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        End Sub

  2. #2
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    Re: Do while loop very slow?

    Your first issue is that you are using a loop.

    Never Ever Ever use a loop unless you really have to.

    If you really have no other option keep the code inside the loop to a minimum and limit the number of times the macro goes around the loop.

    Having said that I will now look at your code.

    So you are starting at row 2 and looping to the first empty row in column A

    You are looking at column D

    If D = "Direct traffic" then Column J ="Direct" oftherwise it is indirect


    The Formula for Cell J2 is
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    =IF(D2="Direct traffic","Direct", "Indirect")

    So I Paste that formula into cell J2, Start the Macro Recorder, Select Cell J2, click inside the formula bar and press enter.

    I then stop the macro recorder and look at the macro that it has recorded

    Sub Macro6()
    ' Macro6 Macro
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
            "=IF(RC[-6]=""Direct traffic"",""Direct"", ""Indirect"")"
    End Sub

    Before I can go any further I need to find the Last row.

    So I need the line of code:

    LR = Cells(rows.count,1).End(xlUp).Row

    So I can now edit the recorded Macro to:

    Sub Macro6()
    LR = Cells(rows.count,1).End(xlUp).Row
    Range("J2:J" & LR).FormulaR1C1 = _
            "=IF(RC[-6]=""Direct traffic"",""Direct"", ""Indirect"")"
    Range("J2:J" & LR).value = Range("J2:J" & LR).value
    End Sub

    Try that.

    Instead of going around a loop 30000 times and performing 4 actions each time ie 120, 000 actions.

    I have achieved the same result using 3 Actions, Guess which solution is faster?
    Last edited by mehmetcik; 06-09-2018 at 03:14 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Do while loop very slow?

    As mehmetick said it's best to avoid loops where possible. Try
    Sub ReplaceLoop()
       With Range("J2:J" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row)
          .Value = Evaluate(Replace("If(@=""Direct traffic"",""Direct"",""Indirect"")", "@", .Offset(, -6).Address))
       End With
    End Sub

  4. #4
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Do while loop very slow?

    Loops can also be quite fast ...

    2.5s to 3.0s for 60.000 rows, for a simple data system (see attachment):
    Sub Update_data_1()
    Dim i As Long: i = 2
    Dim valTime As Single: valTime = Timer
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.Calculation = xlManual
        Do Until Cells(i, 1).Value = ""
            If Cells(i, 4).Value = "Direct traffic" Then Cells(i, 10).Value = "Direct" Else Cells(i, 10).Value = "Indirect"
            i = i + 1
        Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        MsgBox CStr(Timer - valTime)
    End Sub
    0.25s to 0.30s for 60.000 rows, for a simple data system (see attachment):
    Sub Update_data_2()
    Dim i As Long: i = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    Dim uprbnd As Long: uprbnd = i - 1
    Dim valTime As Single: valTime = Timer
    Dim tbl()
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.Calculation = xlManual
        tbl = Range("d2:d" & i).Value
        For i = 1 To uprbnd
            If tbl(i, 1) = "Direct traffic" Then tbl(i, 1) = "Direct" Else tbl(i, 1) = "Indirect"
        Range("j2:j" & i).Value = tbl
        Erase tbl
        Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        MsgBox CStr(Timer - valTime)
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Do while loop very slow?

    Try this. It takes 1 sec for 650000 Rows

    Sub ReplaceAll()
     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
       With Range("J2:J" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
          .Formula = "=If(D2=""Direct traffic"",""Direct"",""Indirect"")"
          .Value = .Value
       End With
     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Pl note
    Array formula should be confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter keys together.
    If answere is satisfactory press * to add reputation.

  6. #6
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: Do while loop very slow?

    Not to nitpick on the above answers (though the solutions are indeed correct), but saying that loops are slow, or best avoided is touted frequently (though usually correctly) without context.

    There's nothing wrong or slow with loops per se, what are very slow however, are worksheet calls from VBA. Interactions with the worksheet are best done as infrequently as possible and in bulk, the reason that your code is slow is that you are looping through a worksheet range, and within each iteration of the loop performing several worksheet calls.

    In summary, the formula solutions above are fast, not specifically because they avoid looping, rather they avoid looping through the worksheet. Instead, they leverage Excel's native Formula engine that is much faster than accessing the worksheet object model through VBA.

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