
I am trying to open a specific workbook WorkbookB in a specific folder to run a macro within it. I am planning to call the macro from WorkbookB into another one in WorkbookA. The macro in WorkbookA should do something, then call the one from WorkbbokB, wait for MacroB to do the job, and then to continue to do other things.
My problem lies in the fact that the below macro opens the file, but it doesn't run the macro within it. No errors occured. Any ideas why?
Sub OpenAndRun()
    Dim sPath As String, sFile As String
    Dim wb As Workbook

    sPath = "C:\Users\paul.m100\Desktop\Reports\"
    sFile = sPath & "AG Sessions Template.xlsb"

    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(sFile)
    Application.Run "'" & wb.Name & "'!ACSessions.CopyFilteredValuesToActiveWorkbookACSessions"
    wb.Close False
End Sub
ACSessions is the module
CopyFilteredValuesToActiveWorkbookACSessions is the macro
