Hi guys,

Im trying to figure out how to have excel login to a particular website via VBA. Currently the code I have works for other websites but this particular site has username/password field types as 'hidden' which I believe is the issue. Here is some of the code I currently have that is working:

Sub Login ()

Dim ieApp As InternetExplorer
 Dim ieDoc As Object
 Dim ieTable As Object
 Dim clip As DataObject

 Set ieApp = New InternetExplorer
ieApp.Visible = True

 ieApp.Navigate "ANY WEBSITE URL"
 Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
 Do Until ieApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop

Set ieDoc = ieApp.Document

 With ieDoc.forms(1)
 .UserName.Value = "12345"
 .Password.Value = "ABCD"  
 End With

Set ieApp = Nothing

End Sub
Wont let me post the website inspect element that I am having issues getting the code to work with...

I have tried changing the username.value and password.value to something like this but still doesn't work:
ieApp.Document.getElementById ("input type='text' name='usernameDisplay value=' ' ")    
 Application.SendKeys "12345"                  
    ieApp.Document.getElementById("input type='password' name='password'").Click
    Application.SendKeys "ABCD"
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.