Nothing like a waste of time.

I moved some files around on a ADODB MS Access project i am working on.

Now the connection string is not being recognized by my client macro. Heres the catch.. one macro WITH THE SAME EXACT CONNECTION STRING connects fine. The next macro I get runtime error path does not exist. I renamed the database .accdb file and Excel still wants to be a PIMA.

There are no ambiguous files on my desktop. Theres only one database file on my desktop and its in the right folder. This is a matter of ADODB Library not doing its just correctly. I think....
There is a catch, that I am on a Mac and using Parallels, but doubt that is of any issue here.

Module 1 (works good) connection string:
Const connectionstring As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=\\Mac\Home\Desktop\mrp system\Databases\myDatabase.accdb; Persist Security Info=False;"
Module 2 (runtime error) connection string:
Const connectionstring As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=\\Mac\Home\Desktop\mrp system\Databases\myDatabase.accdb; Persist Security Info=False;"
Wow they're exactly the same.

However, the runtime error i get references this database....
Data Source=\\Mac\Home\Desktop\mrp system\Databases\Company.accdb;


Company is the old database name I had. It is no longer there. Its renamed.

I had this issue before. I fixed it. Can't remember how. But its a real PITA and frankly Its a waste of everyone's time. Any help is appreciated.
