
Thank you so much for your help. This is my problem.

I try to use the information contained in one column to fill other columns. For example in col A, there are Product p1 and product p2.
I would like to fill col B as follow:
I filter Product p1 in col A, and write John in the first data cell of column B I copy downwards John in col B, so that at each time we have p1 in col A, we will have John in col B
Then I filter Product p2, and write Paul in the first data cell of column B I copy downwards Paul in col B, so that at each time we have p2 in col A, we will have Paul in col B

col A Col B
p1 <-> John
p2 <-> Paul

If i do it manually I have no problem. Now I try to record a macro doing the same thing and it does not work.
This is frustrating because I have to to the same work over and over again and it is time consuming
Is there a way to do that automatically?.
I tried with the IF function, and it works, theoretically, but for the problem I have to solve it is not practical because I have more or less 6 columns to fill (not only col B) and approximately 10 products, not only p1 and p2.
Can you help me find a solution?
This would make me save a of of time , so it is important for me to find a solution.
Thank you so much for your time and help.