I am using a workbook with set expire date. which runs behind userform at initiation
I have a workbook with userform which runs the workbook behind the userform when initializing.

I am tying to to add expiration date and days left for expiration to the workbook with this code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Application.Visible = False

    Dim exdate As Date
    exdate = Format("10/12/2018", "DD/MM/YYYY")
    If Date > exdate Then
MsgBox "Sorry! Evaluation period of the utility has expired." & vbCrLf & _
            "Please consult the Administrator.", vbCritical, "Outdated/Expired Version"
    mbox = Application.InputBox("Pls enter the password/code to continue...", "Password")
    End If
        If mbox <> "ABC" Then
        Application.Visible = False
    End If
    MsgBox ("You have " & exdate - Date & "Days left")  
    Application.Visible = True
    End If
End Sub
My problems are
1. When the expiration date is not due message box appears already but it still terminates the application.
2. When I turn off the Application.Visible = False under the mbox <> "ABC" Then, then the application will not terminate even if the password is false.

Any help please?