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Copy Paste Data String here if found or there if not - Help a noob please

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    Copy Paste Data String here if found or there if not - Help a noob please

    I am working on a basic job record that can go from quote to finished job and have created a string to store all the relevant reporting data on its own sheet within the file.

    My thought is that various people will be able to create or update the job file and save it, while one expert would go into any files changed during the day and save those changes to a database.

    This is trying to use Excel instead of a integrated relational database package that would probably do a better job than my hack - this is more fun!

    So the first part is just to save the file and this seems to be working OK (but maybe you could point out redundant code in this) (The job number resides at B7)

     Sub SaveJob()
    ' SaveJob Macro
    ' First part of File Saving
    Sheets("Mock Quote Master").Select
        ChDir "C:\Users\Albert15\Documents\LTP files\DevWork\Quotes"
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Dim FName           As String
        Dim FPath           As String
        FPath = "C:\Users\Albert15\Documents\LTP files\DevWork\Quotes"
        FName = Sheets("Mock Quote Master").Range("b7").Text
        ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FPath & "\" & FName & ".xlsm"
        FileFormat = xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
    End Sub
    For writing to the database there are 2 scenarios - (A) It's an existing job that has been updated, it will already have an entry in the database (the job ref will be found in the column) and therefore the database will get more information at an existing line.
    or (B) it's a new entry and I would like to write the data the the blank line below the last database entry. (I have called both PastePoint in the code below) The key and first cell of the database line is the same job reference as the saved job file.

    Here I have tried to mimic some of the similar things I've read here but it's failing badly with my lack of VBA coding knowledge.. This is my attempt...

     Sub SaveString()
    ' SaveString Macro
    ' First tests - Reporting Database must be open in background
    Sheets("Mock Quote Master").Select
        Selection.CopyApplication.CutCopyMode = False
        Dim FName          As String
        Dim FPath           As String
        Dim QRef           As String
        FPath = "C:\Users\Albert15\Documents\LTP files\DevWork\Quotes"
        FName = Sheets("Mock Quote Master").Range("b7").Text
        QRef = Sheets("Mock Quote Master").Range("b7").Text
        Windows("Job Reporting Database.xlsx").Activate
        Set PastePoint = Cells.Find(What = "Qref")
        If Find Is Nothing Then
        Set PastePoint = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)).Select
        Windows(FPath & "\" & FName & ".xlsm").Activate
        Application.WindowState = xlNormal
        Sheets("Data String").Select
        Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
            :=False, Transpose:=False
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Windows("Job Reporting Database.xlsx").Activate
        GoTo PastePoint
    End Sub
    Thank you
    Last edited by Albert Toet; 01-20-2019 at 04:12 AM. Reason: Clarify reason for finding in column

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