In our Bill of Materials excel files we currently apply a single labor rate for all of our processes. We are planning to now make the labor rates dependent on the category of the process. The new process rates will be in a single file. I can open each document and look at the data in one column, then manually paste the appropriate link, but there are more than a 1000 documents and each one has up to 20 links, so this could take a lot of time.

My plan had been to create a macro that I could run each time I open the file that looks at the data in a group of cells in column D, then for each row assigns the correct link to the cell in column B. I felt that I have created what were more complicated macros in the past, but am failing completely so far on this task. Any feedback or recommendations would be much appreciated.

Goal: If cell D:x (process title) contains the correct 4 letter code (category), the B:x then becomes a link to the master labor rate cell for that category

Example: D6 = PULL-001, B6 = link to S:\PRODUCTION\LaborRates_Current.xlsx $B$28
D12 = MACH-001, B12 = link to S:\PRODUCTION\LaborRates_Current.xlsx $B$14

Thanks to anyone with some code suggestions.