i have tried both these solutions and the both fail.
i need to find out which option button was picked in a frame (FRAME). I have 31 buttons that go from optionbutton1 to optionbutton35. here is the code that doesn't work

'Dim oControl As Control
'For Each oControl In UserForm1.Controls
'    If TypeOf oControl Is MSForms.OptionButton Then
'        If oControl.GroupName = "Sheet" Then
'            If oControl.Value = True Then
'                MsgBox oControl.Caption
'            End If
'        End If
'    End If
'Next oControl
    Dim oCtl As MSForms.Control
    For Each oCtl In Me.Controls
        MsgBox TypeName(oCtl)
        If TypeName(oCtl) = "OptionButton" And oCtl.Value = True Then MsgBox oCtl.Caption
    Next oCtl
in the last example, the typename is FRAME and not OptionButton"