
I have found this code from a other user witch perfectly works on my sheet but i don't want the IP adres in a messagbox but on a sheet in column A.
Every time i activate the IP search i want that it copy it to the sheet but on the next row.

Ho could help me witht he code?

Sub test()

Dim IP_Address: IP_Address = GetIP()

If IP_Address = "" Or IP_Address = "" Then
MsgBox "No IP Address found.", , ""
MsgBox IP_Address, , "IP address"
End If

End Sub

Function GetIP()

Dim ws: Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Dim TmpFile: TmpFile = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "/ip.txt"
Dim ThisLine, IP

If ws.Environment("SYSTEM")("OS") = "" Then
ws.Run "winipcfg /batch " & TmpFile, 0, True
ws.Run "%comspec% /c ipconfig > " & TmpFile, 0, True
End If

With fso.GetFile(TmpFile).OpenAsTextStream
Do While Not .AtEndOfStream
ThisLine = .ReadLine
If InStr(ThisLine, "Address") <> 0 Then
IP = Mid(ThisLine, InStr(ThisLine, ":") + 2)
End If
End With

'WinXP (NT? 2K?) leaves a carriage return at the end of line
If IP <> "" Then
If Asc(Right(IP, 1)) = 13 Then IP = Left(IP, Len(IP) - 1)
End If

GetIP = IP


Set fso = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing

End Function