Hi all,

I'm fairly new to Excel macros and don't quite know where to start. I tried to search the forum for my question and noting similar comes up.

I believe this is a fairly simple thing to do, so...

I want to run a macro on a number of rows, to perform Goal Seek:

I have found solutions which require Set cell to be a formula, so each row of Set cell would need to be a formula. My formula for Set cell is pretty complex and I don't want to copy paste it to each row of Set cell . I want to reference a row of Set cell to a fixed cell in the spreadsheet which contains the formula. The formula depends on Variable, so I also want to pass a Variable from each row to a fixed cell in a spreadsheet, that is part of that complex formula.

To sum up, I have a complex formula written in my spreadsheet and do not want to copy paste it to each row of my table. I want to link Set cell , By changing cell and Variable to fixed cell locations in the spreadsheet that are part of the formula.

Any suggestions appreciated...
