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How to pull data into other columns when row #'s change between reports

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  1. #1
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    How to pull data into other columns when row #'s change between reports


    Kind of lost on writing this macro, as I just began a few weeks ago. book1 and book2 images attached, and also workbook also attached to explain the below:

    Sheet1 has customer information, including customer name, #, and all the related documents (invoice/payment info). The Customer ID and Customer Name are only at the heading of the information, and I need it to be pulled into each row to be included with the documents (invoice/payment info). However, the number of documents can change on a weekly basis, therefore, changing what rows all the data is on.

    Basically, I need Sheet1 to end up looking like Sheet1(2). As previously stated, the number of rows per customer can change weekly, etc.

    Is this even possible?
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Olly's Avatar
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    Re: How to pull data into other columns when row #'s change between reports

    You can use Power Query to normalise the data from your source file:

        Source = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents("C:\temp\vbahelp.xlsx"), null, true),
        WorkSheet = Source{[Item="Sheet1",Kind="Sheet"]}[Data],
        #"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(WorkSheet, [PromoteAllScalars=true]),
        #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Promoted Headers", each not Text.Contains([Type], "Total")),
        #"Added Reference" = Table.AddColumn(#"Filtered Rows", "Reference", each try Number.FromText([Ref Nbr]) otherwise null, type number),
        #"Added Company Number" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Reference", "Company Number", each if [Reference] = null then [Type] else null, type text),
        #"Filled Down Company Number" = Table.FillDown(#"Added Company Number",{"Company Number"}),
        #"Added Company Name" = Table.AddColumn(#"Filled Down Company Number", "Company Name", each if [Reference] = null then [Ref Nbr] else null, type text),
        #"Filled Down Company Name" = Table.FillDown(#"Added Company Name",{"Company Name"}),
        #"Filtered null Reference" = Table.SelectRows(#"Filled Down Company Name", each [Reference] <> null and [Reference] <> ""),
        #"Choose Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(#"Filtered null Reference",List.Combine({{"Company Number", "Company Name"},Table.ColumnNames(#"Promoted Headers")})),
        #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Choose Columns",{{"Type", type text}, {"Terms", type text}, {"Ref Nbr", Int64.Type}, {"Doc Date", type date}, {"Current", Currency.Type}, {"1 To 30", Currency.Type}, {"31 To 60", Currency.Type}, {"61 To 90", Currency.Type}, {"Over 90", Currency.Type}, {"Total", Currency.Type}})
        #"Changed Type"
    Change filepath / name and worksheet name to suit.
    let Source = #table({"Question","Thread", "User"},{{"Answered","Mark Solved", "Add Reputation"}}) in Source

    If I give you Power Query (Get & Transform Data) code, and you don't know what to do with it, then CLICK HERE

    Walking the tightrope between genius and eejit...

  3. #3
    Forum Guru
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    Re: How to pull data into other columns when row #'s change between reports

    Sub test()
        Dim x, i As Long
        x = Filter([transpose(if((c1:c50000="Customer Total")+(c1:c50000="Company:"),row(1:50000)))], False, 0)
        For i = 0 To UBound(x) - 1
            With Cells(x(i) + 2, "a").Resize(x(i + 1) - 2 - x(i))
                .Value = Cells(x(i) + 1, "d")
                .Columns(2).Value = Cells(x(i) + 1, 3)
            End With
            Cells(x(i) + 2, "m").Resize(, 2).Value = Cells(x(i) + 1, "g").Resize(, 2).Value
    End Sub

  4. #4
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    Re: How to pull data into other columns when row #'s change between reports

    Thanks Jindon, that works like a beauty. I do have one final thing I'm struggling with on this macro, and it will be completed. I need macro to calculate the Percentage of Total lines:


    Each "Percentage of Total" line needs to calculate the percentage of the Grand Total. For example, row 4 (columns G-L), needs to calculate =G3/G33, or =H3/H33, and so forth. However, as previously stated, the company totals, percentage of totals and grand totals' row numbers will change every time I run my report. The final "Percentage of Total" line located on row 34, is just calculating the percentage of the total (i.e. =G33/L33, or =H33/L33, etc.)

    I have already used conditional formatting macro to format the percentage of total rows to 0.00% format.

    Attached is excel workbook as well (see Sheet4)
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    Last edited by AliGW; 07-03-2019 at 09:18 AM. Reason: Please don't quote unnecessarily!

  5. #5
    Forum Guru
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    Re: How to pull data into other columns when row #'s change between reports

    Sub test()
        Dim x, i As Long, r As Range
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        With Sheets("sheet1")
            If .[a2] <> "Company:" Then Exit Sub
            With .[a1:b1]
                .Value = Array("Customer Name", "Customer ID")
                .Font.Bold = True
            End With
            x = Filter([transpose(if((c1:c50000="Customer Total")+(c1:c50000="Company:"),row(1:50000)))], False, 0)
            For i = 0 To UBound(x) - 1
                With Cells(x(i) + 2, "a").Resize(x(i + 1) - 2 - x(i))
                    .Value = Cells(x(i) + 1, "d")
                    .Columns(2).Value = Cells(x(i) + 1, 3)
                End With
                Cells(x(i) + 2, "m").Resize(, 2).Value = Cells(x(i) + 1, "g").Resize(, 2).Value
            With .Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Offset(1).Columns(1).SpecialCells(2)
                For Each r In .Areas
                    With r(r.Count + 1).Resize(2, 12)
                        .Range("a1:a2").Value = _
                        Application.Transpose(Array(r(1).Value & " Total", "Percentage of Total"))
                        .Rows(1).Range("g1:l1").Formula = _
                        "=subtotal(9," & r.Offset(, 6).Address(0, 0) & ")"
                        .Font.Bold = True
                    End With
            End With
            With .Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2).Resize(4)
                With .Rows("3:4")
                    .Font.Bold = True
                    .Range("a1:a2").Value = Application.Transpose(Array("Grand Total", "Percentage of Total"))
                    .Rows(1).Range("g1:l1").FormulaR1C1 = "=subtotal(9,r2c:r[-5]c)"
                End With
            End With
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

  6. #6
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    Re: How to pull data into other columns when row #'s change between reports

    Last edited by AliGW; 07-03-2019 at 09:17 AM. Reason: Please don't quote unnecessarily!

  7. #7
    Forum Guru
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    Re: How to pull data into other columns when row #'s change between reports

    Don't quote full post unless you really need it to do, the forum doesn't like it.

    No way to look at your attachment.

    No error at all.
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