Hey everyone. First off, I'm new to these forums. If this is the wrong place to post this I apologize and will be happy to move it. Just let me know.

I am creating a form at work. I want to be able to punch an item number into a cell(A1 for example), have that number stay there and have the cell to the right of that(B1) populate with an item description. I want the form to do this in about 30 rows so I can go down column a and punch in item numbers and have their descriptions populate. I have an Item Master list of our inventory with item numbers in column A and descriptions in column B. I copy/pasted those 2 a second sheet in the workbook. I found a nice little guide about vba lookup(A_Quick_Guide_to_the_VBA_VLookup]) and thought I was on the path to success, but by the end of the guide realized they weren't giving me everything I need. At least I don't believe they were. Any help I can get is greatly appreciated. Thank you.