Hi all,

I feel like I'm so close to get this done but I can't figure out how to do the last step.

Long story short, I'm writing a code to delete data in some tabs.

I want the code to look in my mapping tab and then for each cell until the cell is empty to go to the related tab and delete data.

the part I'm struggling with is the one below in red. I can't figure how to use A3 string data the 1st time the loop runs, then A4, then A5 etc.

I've looked online and in the forum but didn't find anything so hopefully you will be able to help

Many thanks for your help!

Sub Erase_data()


Dim x As Integer
numrows = Range("I3", Range("I3").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

    For x = 1 To numrows

                Dim Name As String
                Name = Sheets("Mapping").Range("I2"+x).Value
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub