
Still a beginner in macro programming and coming to you seeking help.

I am trying to create a user form that will allow the user to enter the dimensions, profile and characteristics of a product in order to calculate the price.

The User Form would have the following labels / Text Boxes:

The idea is that once the parameters are there, the user clicks calculate and the formula will input the discount (if any), the price per panel, and calculate the order and total order prices in the corresponding blue boxes at the bottom.

If I could please have your help in creating the macro for the discount formula, I think I would then be able to create the rest of the macros on my own (hopefully!!!).. or at least give that task a good concerted effort.

Volume discounts are as follows:

Standard Panels
Volume Discount
0 - 49 0%
50 - 149 3%
150 - 299 6%
300 - 449 9%
450 - + 12%

Non- Standard Panels

Volume Discount
0 - 10 0%
11 - 49 10%
50 - 149 15%
150 - + 20%

The idea is that if the user types "Y" in the "Custom" box, then the volume discount that will be used for the price calculation is pulled from the "Non-Standard Panels" table. If the user types "N", then the volume discount percentage is pulled from the "Standard Panels" table. Right now I have both tables in the same spreadsheet, one above the other... not sure if that is ideal or not.

Your giving me a hand with this macro will be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!!!