
I would like to capture data from a userform and transfer it to a worksheet. I have defined all textboxes and comboboxes to the order it should appear on the worksheet.

I have the following formula. However, I would like to execute it without creating the dynamic range or rather the Table. Is there an alternative way of writing this code please?

Your help is much appreciated. I guess what I'm trying to achieve is to transfer the data from the userform to the worksheet in the order in the userform.

Thank you very much

Option Explicit
Dim i As Long

Private Sub Cmd_00_Click()

ReDim arr(0, 36)
With Sheets("Data").ListObjects(1)
      For i = 0 To 36
        arr(0, i) = Me("CT_" & Format(i, "00")).Value
      .DataBodyRange.Cells(.ListRows.Count, 1).Resize(, 37) = arr
 End With

End Sub