Hello, I am new here. I not sure if someone posted the same questions because I see a lot of threads and don’t know how to go threw them all.

I am need of the help with trying to resolve a HUGE issue as work. Basically, I must open several excel files, review them for the information each day for the past 5 years. So, I am having to go through 1,300 files to try and combine things so I can easily sort and match items to my bank statement/file.

Is there a VBA/coding that some can help me write for me to help resolves an issue? I don’t know that much VBA. I looked at Youtube to try see how I can combine multiples separate in one folder into a single file, on a single sheet/tab in chronologically but there were no examples. Is this possible?

Basically, for each month, I want to take all individually daily files in each folder and combine them into one file for the month, with all the information/data combined into one sheet so I can pivot and sort the data.