Hi everyone,

Like many people, I have VBA code which worked smooth and fast using Excel 2010 but slowed to a crawl when we moved to Excel 365. I'm assuming the code needs to be optimize and I'm trying to think of ways how. Below is sample code which is structurally representative of much of the macros in the workbook:

Sub M()
Dim rngC As Range

Set WM = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("XYZ")
Set rngC = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("ABC").Range("A3")
Set WN = ActiveWorkbook
                For i = 1 To 80
                If WN.Worksheets(2).Cells(1, i) = "GRAND TOTAL" And WN.Worksheets(2).Cells(7, i) Like "US*" Then
                    WN.Worksheets("ABC").Range("C25").Value = WN.Worksheets(2).Cells(44, i).Value
                    WM.Range("A1:A60").Find(rngC.Value).Offset(0, 2) = "USD"
                    WM.Range("A1:A60").Find(rngC.Value).Offset(0, 6) = Now
                End If
                Next i
I thought perhaps there's a way to apply multiple offsets to a single Find line but i'm not sure if that's a thing. Any ideas?
