I have upgrade to Excel 2016 and the VBA code we have been using for 20+ years is having issues. One piece of code that is giving me the Runtime Error 91 is the following. Any help to resolve would be appreciated.

Sub Chart2Update()

ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("rm2000")

ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Select --The debug brings me to this line as being the issue.
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
.MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
.MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.Crosses = xlAutomatic
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
.DisplayUnit = xlNone
End With
ActiveSheet.Protect ("rm2000")
End Sub