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VBA code to Split and Sort String Values

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    VBA code to Split and Sort String Values

    Dear Excel Experts
    I have a VBA code to loop through a column of 10K rows and store unique values in it. These unique values are basically years like 2018,2019,2020,2021 etc..

    When i store unique values, the list is pretty much random like 2022,2019,2021,2018 etc (its because the original data itself is not sorted as per year.)
    Is there any way that i can sort the data in ascending order of years after pulling unique values. I am adding this list to data validation later.

    Dim unique_string
    If Not InStr(unique_string, Cells(rloop, 3).Value) > 0 Then unique_string = unique_string & Cells(rloop, 3).Value & ","
     With Worksheets("Macro").Range("L13").Validation
            .Add xlValidateList, Formula1:=unique_string
      End With

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: VBA code to Split and Sort String Values

    Here is a function that will take a range of cells and return the unique values in that sorted (this takes the place of the loop you showed part of above). So, if you wanted to assign the output to a variable named unique_string for the range of cells, say, C1:C10000, you would do this...

    unique_string = Sorted(Range("C1:C10000"))

    which, if the range C1:C10000 will never change, can be short-cutted to this...

    unique_string = Sorted([C1:C10000])

    Note: The Sorted function has an optional second argument allowing you to specify the delimiter to use which defaults to a comma if omitted.

    Here is the function (put it in a General Module)...
    Function Sorted(Rng As Range, Optional Delim As String = ",") As String
      Dim X As Long, Arr As Variant, Uniques As Variant
      Arr = Rng.Value
      With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        For X = 1 To UBound(Arr)
          .Item(Arr(X, 1)) = 1
        Uniques = .Keys
      End With
      With CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
        For X = LBound(Uniques) To UBound(Uniques)
          .Add Uniques(X)
        Sorted = Join(.ToArray, Delim)
        If Left(Sorted, 1) = Delim Then Sorted = Mid(Sorted, 2)
      End With
    End Function

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: VBA code to Split and Sort String Values

    Does its Job perfectly...Many Thanks for your code..!!

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