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Time difference between two date/time values which are in the format DD-MM-YYY HH:MM

  1. #1
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    Time difference between two date/time values which are in the format DD-MM-YYY HH:MM

    Hi there,

    I am using Text(Now(),"DD-MM-YYY HH:MM") format for date time. I want time difference between two date/time.

    for example

    cell one would have: 25-05-2020 05:30
    cell two would have: 25-05-2020 06:30

    I want cell three to give me 60min

    can I use the DATEDIFF function? if so, how can I Implement it?

    any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance

    Last edited by snkhan; 06-01-2020 at 05:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator 6StringJazzer's Avatar
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    Re: Time difference between two date/time values which are in the format DD-MM-YYY HH:MM

    Do not use TEXT(NOW(),"DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM"). This returns a text string, not a date/time value, so it's convoluted to do arithmetic with it. Just use NOW(), and use Format for how you want the cell to look.

    DATEDIF only does date calculations. It won't give you the difference in minutes.

    To get the difference in minutes:

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