I hope I can explain this properly and see if there is a way to do this as this is more of a theoretical question.
I have reports that dump into a directory on a server every 30 minutes... I take this data on a worksheet and move it to another sheet I show sales people - this report is a sales report for the day as it accumulates. The file is over written each time the system dumps it. When it over writes the data I would like to on the sheet I performed the Vlookup on... to capture the 30 minute increments and make sort of like a stock chart for the day.
So first 30 minutes might have zero sales, the next might have gone up to 1,000.00 and the next 2,000.00, so on and so forth.
How can I keep track of the data as it changes each half hour so I can create a spark chart or some type of chart that shows the progression? Is this even possible.
Finger crossed because I think this could be a neat way to look at somewhat simple dynamic data.