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VBA =GetPivotData() producing runtime error 1004

  1. #1
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    Excel 2010

    Question VBA =GetPivotData() producing runtime error 1004

    I All,

    I have a sub called SumTBCs that loops through sheets where the sheet name begins 'SLA...' and adds up any pivot table subtotals where the pivot table result is "TBC"

    It was working I'm sure.
    But now it works intermittently.

    I've attached a sample workbook to test

    TBCs Example.png

    There's no "TBC" results in SLA1 to test.

    Running the first sub in sheet 'SLA2' produces a MsgBox displaying '7' which is correct

    Running the second sub in sheet 'SLA3' produces a runtime error 1004?

    I thought perhaps the sheet was corrupt so I removed it and created it again by copying SLA2, but it made no difference.

    Any advice greatly appreciated,
    All the best
    Last edited by vwhite; 09-11-2020 at 04:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: VBA =GetPivotData() producing runtime error 1004

    That table is on a different sheet and is now 2 in the pivottable collection

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  3. #3
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    Re: VBA =GetPivotData() producing runtime error 1004

    Ah ha! I don't full understand what apivot collection is but I'm assuming it's different from the pivot table name

    So I changed PivotTables(1). to PivotTables("PivotTable1"). and all is working again

    Thank you so much!

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