Hello, I am trying to retrieve the list of the items available to be selected in a pivottable. I have tried the following code:

im pvtCubeField As CubeField
For Each pvtCubeField In PvtTbl.CubeFields
    If pvtCubeField.Orientation = 3 Then
        Debug.Print pvtCubeField.Position
        Debug.Print pvtCubeField.Name
        Debug.Print pvtCubeField.Value
        Debug.Print pvtCubeField.Caption
        For Each pvtPagefield In pvtCubeField.PivotFields
            Debug.Print pvtPagefield.Name
            Debug.Print pvtPagefield.Value
            Debug.Print pvtPagefield.SourceName
            Debug.Print pvtPagefield.Caption
        Next pvtPagefield
    End If
Next pvtCubeField
But this only gives me the name of the column/field filter.

I am trying to get to the list of items under "All" when you click on the drop down filter for that Filter Field.